Thread: Problem loading data from Intro to Postgis

Problem loading data from Intro to Postgis

Tim Clark
Dear List,

I just installed postgis and am trying to work through the Introduction to Postgis workhop at

I have postgis and postgresql installed on a Dell Inspiron 5150 running Windows XP.  My problem is that I can't get any
datainto the database.  I have gotten to page 26-27, loading shapefiles.  I have run the pg_setenv.bat file at the
windowscommand prompt and it seems to have set up the path correctly.  I have looked in the postgresql bin directory
andthe proper commands are in the folder.  However, when I run the given shp2pgsql or psql commands I get an error that
thecommand "is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." 

I would appreciate any help or suggestions you could give to gelp me past page 27!



 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6071-6A25

 Directory of C:\postgis_workshop\data

11/28/2009  05:55 PM    <DIR>          .
11/28/2009  05:55 PM    <DIR>          ..
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            31,260 bc_border.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               170 bc_border.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,196,124 bc_border.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            41,692 bc_border.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             3,298 bc_hospitals.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               431 bc_hospitals.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,332 bc_hospitals.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               452 bc_hospitals.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             7,388 bc_municipality.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               431 bc_municipality.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           278,184 bc_municipality.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,396 bc_municipality.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            63,193 bc_pubs.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               431 bc_pubs.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            10,576 bc_pubs.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             3,436 bc_pubs.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         6,690,323 bc_roads.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               431 bc_roads.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM        19,687,612 bc_roads.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,305,516 bc_roads.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,544 bc_roads.sld
08/23/2007  08:01 PM         1,206,304 bc_voting_areas.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               431 bc_voting_areas.prj
08/23/2007  08:01 PM        12,586,104 bc_voting_areas.shp
08/23/2007  08:01 PM            63,988 bc_voting_areas.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           532,252 cities.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               142 cities.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            71,024 cities.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           141,281 cities.shp.xml
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            20,364 cities.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            14,551 countries.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               142 countries.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,537,144 countries.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,772 countries.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             6,263 countries.sld
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            48,914 newyork_census.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            69,652 newyork_census.htm
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               570 newyork_census.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         3,662,668 newyork_census.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            17,828 newyork_census.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           122,367 nnewyork_census.xml
08/22/2007  01:16 PM                55 pg_setenv.bat
08/22/2007  01:16 PM               402 pg_shpsql.bat
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               332 timezone.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               142 timezone.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           466,308 timezone.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           136,399 timezone.shp.xml
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               404 timezone.shx
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,165 timezone.sld
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,327,200 usa_counties.dbf
06/26/2007  11:15 AM               164 usa_counties.prj
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,518,248 usa_counties.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            25,228 usa_counties.shx
              53 File(s)     52,905,028 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  18,336,935,936 bytes free


C:\postgis_workshop\data>SET PATH="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2\bin";C:\Progr
am Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;
C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\

C:\postgis_workshop\data>dir *.shp
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6071-6A25

 Directory of C:\postgis_workshop\data

06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,196,124 bc_border.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM             1,332 bc_hospitals.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           278,184 bc_municipality.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            10,576 bc_pubs.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM        19,687,612 bc_roads.shp
08/23/2007  08:01 PM        12,586,104 bc_voting_areas.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM            71,024 cities.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,537,144 countries.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         3,662,668 newyork_census.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM           466,308 timezone.shp
06/26/2007  11:15 AM         1,518,248 usa_counties.shp
              11 File(s)     41,015,324 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  18,336,935,936 bytes free

C:\postgis_workshop\data>shp2pgsql -i -D -s 3005 bc_pubs.shp bc_pubs > bc_pubs.s
'shp2pgsql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

C:\postgis_workshop\data>psql -U postgres -f bc_pubs.sql -d postgis
'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'psql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Tim Clark
Department of Zoology
University of Hawaii

Re: Problem loading data from Intro to Postgis

Tom Lane
Tim Clark <> writes:
> I just installed postgis and am trying to work through the Introduction to Postgis workhop at

You'd probably be best off to ask about that on the postgis mailing
lists.  I'm not sure any of that crowd read pgsql-novice.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Problem loading data from Intro to Postgis

Tim Clark
Thanks Tom, I will repost on the postgis list.


Tim Clark
Department of Zoology
University of Hawaii

--- On Sat, 11/28/09, Tom Lane <> wrote:

> From: Tom Lane <>
> Subject: Re: [NOVICE] Problem loading data from Intro to Postgis
> To: "Tim Clark" <>
> Cc:
> Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 7:10 PM
> Tim Clark <>
> writes:
> > I just installed postgis and am trying to work through
> the Introduction to Postgis workhop at
> >
> You'd probably be best off to ask about that on the postgis
> mailing
> lists.  I'm not sure any of that crowd read
> pgsql-novice.
> regards, tom lane