Thread: Anonymous code blocks

Anonymous code blocks

Mike Ellsworth
Reading through 'Anonymous Code Blocks' and DO statement to be in 8.5
& it isn't clear to me if user expressions could take advantage of it
- or not.

If I wanted to use this new feature in user expressions so that:

DO.this= round("ben_stmt"."base_pay") +
round("ben_stmt"."incent_comp") + round("ben_stmt"."advance_ben_dol")
+ round("ben_stmt"."er_cont_other")
DO.that = round(DO.this/12)
DO.yada = if(DO.that < 1000, 'consider a vegetable garden.','')

would it be possible - or is that off into lambda calculus discussion
that seems to be an associated thread?

No apologies for the question.  After all, it is Novice. :-)
Mike Ellsworth

Re: Anonymous code blocks

Joshua Tolley
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:01:59AM -0500, Mike Ellsworth wrote:
> If I wanted to use this new feature in user expressions so that:
> DO.this= round("ben_stmt"."base_pay") +
> round("ben_stmt"."incent_comp") + round("ben_stmt"."advance_ben_dol")
> + round("ben_stmt"."er_cont_other")
> DO.that = round(DO.this/12)
> DO.yada = if(DO.that < 1000, 'consider a vegetable garden.','')

I'm not sure I understand your question, but one thing springs to mind, namely
that as currently implemented these anonymous blocks can't return any data.

- Josh / eggyknap
