Thread: Import of GML into PostgreSQL 8.4

Import of GML into PostgreSQL 8.4


Hi folks


Newbie to postgres and database admin generally, so be gentle.


I’m trying to set-up a postgres mapserver for Ordnance Survey Mastermap. So far I have installed postgreSQL 8..4 and PostGIS. I have imported a GML file into a postgres database, created using postgis_template, using ogr2ogr.


The import was successful, and creates 8 tables. I will not list them all here. But there seem to be two tables associated with what are the map labels in OS Mastermap. The tables are named “cartographicsymbol” and “cartographictext”.


I note that the table cartographicsymbol does contain an attribute (or column) named [orientation] , whch can be used to rotate the label to the correct orientation. Although the information is contained in the raw GML file, no such [orientation] attribute is imported for “cartographictext”. I also note that in neither table is the [fid] attribute (unique identifier) imported.


Does anyone have any clues about how to get over this difficulty?


Many thanks



Re: Import of GML into PostgreSQL 8.4

Tom Lane
"Oisin" <> writes:
> I'm trying to set-up a postgres mapserver for Ordnance Survey Mastermap. So
> far I have installed postgreSQL 8..4 and PostGIS. I have imported a GML file
> into a postgres database, created using postgis_template, using ogr2ogr.

This issue seems to be mostly to do with postgis-specific features, so
you'd probably be better off asking on the postgis-users mailing list
I'm not sure that any of that crowd read pgsql-novice ...

            regards, tom lane