Thread: pgsphere 1.1 upgrade Q

pgsphere 1.1 upgrade Q

Isabella Ghiurea
Hello PGSphere users,
I'm running pgsphere 1.0 with PG 8.3 and need  to upgrade to pgsphere
1.1 using the source/'tar ball' file , I'm  having issue when running
pg_sphere.sql script in db , some o the objects are already there and
the scripts fails to run :" ERROR: current transaction is aborted,
commands ignored until end of transaction block"
I'm looking for advise/tips how can I get a clean pgsphere upgrade ? (
there is not to much mentioned in the documentation)

Mention: I 'm aware this is not the appropriate forum for pgsphere
issues , but the existing list in pgfoudry is not to active.
Thank you

Isabella A. Ghiurea
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre |
National Research Council of Canada, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
5071 West Saanich Road, Victoria BC V9E 2E7, Canada
Phone: 250 363-3446 fax: 250 363-0045