Thread: Obtaining a limited number of records from a long query

Obtaining a limited number of records from a long query

"Oliveiros Cristina"
Dear List,
Is there any way to force a query to return just a few records?
For ex, returning just the first ten rows from a long ORDER BY query ?
And then, eventually, obtaining the remaining records at a later time, or in background?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Re: Obtaining a limited number of records from a long query

Luiz Eduardo Cantanhede Neri
Visit and u'll get ur awnser and others like from 11th and on.

For now you may try SELECT * FROM cia LIMIT 10

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Oliveiros Cristina <> wrote:
Dear List,
Is there any way to force a query to return just a few records?
For ex, returning just the first ten rows from a long ORDER BY query ?
And then, eventually, obtaining the remaining records at a later time, or in background?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Re: Obtaining a limited number of records from a long query

Daniel Staal
--As of May 25, 2009 2:32:14 PM +0100, Oliveiros Cristina is alleged to
have said:

> Is there any way to force a query to return just a few records?
> For ex, returning just the first ten rows from a long ORDER BY query ?
> And then, eventually, obtaining the remaining records at a later time, or
> in background?
> Thanks in advance for your help,

--As for the rest, it is mine.

Depending on what you want, either LIMIT and OFFSET or a cursor will help


Daniel T. Staal

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