Thread: thanks for an absolutely fantastic #pgcon!

thanks for an absolutely fantastic #pgcon!

Alan McKay
Wow guys and gals, that was a whole new kind of fantastic, I have to say!

I went to your "soul searching" on Thursday and am currently checking
my friends network to see if I can find anyone with bug tracking
experience of some kind or another (bugzilla or similar) who has time
for a FLOSS project at the moment.  I co-wrote a similar system about
5 years ago at my old job, and it was unfortunately only after doing
that when I properly researched what was already available :-)  There
are some IMPRESSIVE systems out there for free, if you can find
someone who knows how to run them.  Bugzilla was honestly
bottom-of-the-heap at the time.  I could have sworn I had those
details in my gmail but just went searching for them and could not
find it.  I'll keep looking ...

I really enjoyed sitting in with y'all!   BTW, I am the guy who fixed
all your bugs but all I got was some stupid t-shirt because all my
patches got rejected :-)

“Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts.”
         - Glenn Prickett