Thread: update problem

update problem

Paul Alarcon
hello in using postgres 8.3 on windows and i have aproblem to update a table, this is the facts, I have a tables where i want to update the name based on a lenght of a field for instance i want to update all the rows where the the substring(cuenta from 17 for 40) is equal around all the table may you have an idea how i could made it
thanks a lot

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Re: update problem

"A. Kretschmer"
In response to Paul Alarcon :
> hello in using postgres 8.3 on windows and i have aproblem to update a table,
> this is the facts, I have a tables where i want to update the name based on a
> lenght of a field for instance i want to update all the rows where the the
> substring(cuenta from 17 for 40) is equal around all the table may you have an
> idea how i could made it
> thanks a lot

I'm not sure if i understand you, but how about

test=*# select * from foobar;
 id |   name
  1 | 123
  2 | 123abc123
  3 | 234abc234
  4 | 345abc345
  5 | 123456789
(5 rows)

-- change all the trings contains substring 'abc' from 4-6 position to
-- 'hit'

test=*# update foobar set name='hit' where substr(name, 4, 3)='abc';
test=*# select * from foobar;
 id |   name
  1 | 123
  5 | 123456789
  2 | hit
  3 | hit
  4 | hit
(5 rows)

HTH, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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