Thread: Postfix with PostgreSQL

Postfix with PostgreSQL

"Just E. Mail"
This question is about installing Postfix with PostgreSQL. I am posting
on this Forum hoping that somebody has done it and help me out.

CentOS 5.3, PostgreSQL-8.3.7, Postfix-2.5.6

I have setup a PostgreSQL Server and PostgreSQL Client under DEFAULT
folders. I can connect PostgreSQL Server from PostgreSQL Client.

Now I am trying to install Postfix on the pgsql Client machine. Postfix
has the following command to 'Building Postfix with PostgreSQL support':

% make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
        'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include/pgsql' \
        'AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'

Since I have pg Server & Client machines, I have no idea where is
'-I/usr/local/include/pgsql' & '-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'. Can somebody help.

PS: My English is poor.

Re: Postfix with PostgreSQL

Tom Lane
"Just E. Mail" <> writes:
> Now I am trying to install Postfix on the pgsql Client machine. Postfix
> has the following command to 'Building Postfix with PostgreSQL support':

> % make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
>         'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include/pgsql' \
>         'AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'

If you have installed Postgres from RPMs, just make sure you've
installed the postgresql-devel RPM too.  Forget about /usr/local
--- it should be enough to do

% make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
        'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL' \

            regards, tom lane

dbmail or dovecot

"Just E. Mail"
This question is going to be difficult  for many to answer, but please help.

I am trying to setup a Master/Client server setup to run Postfix. The
MASTER server has Postfix & PostgreSQL Client installed on it. The
Master machine is at the backend with PostgreSQL Server installed on it.

All emails will be held on the backend PostgreSQL Server, which is only
accessible from the Postfix/PostgreSQL Server. I hope you get the picture.

I am trying to determine whether I use 'dbmail' or 'dovecot'? I am new
to both of these applications & they both seems interesting. I am a
NEWBIE so it is important to know which one of these two application is
easy to install, setup, maintain & feature rich. It will be nice to see
URL of a site or Screen shots to see how each of them look. I am sure I
am leaving few things out. Please help. I am working on the weekend.


Re: Postfix with PostgreSQL

"Just E. Mail"
Tom & others:

I followed Tom's advice with no good luck. Here is what I did:

1. Installed a fresh install of CenbtOS 5.3
2. Installed PostgreSQL Client, as follows:
    from: *
    *installed: *postgresql-libs-8.3.7-1PGDG.rhel5.i386.rpm
   * Nothing more for PostgreSQL.*

*3.  Now I started installing 'Postfix':
     Downloaded 'postfix-2.5.6.' (& extracted) into '/usr/local/src'
     %  cd  /usr/local/src/postfix-2.5.6

=======  this is actual entries on the LINUX Machine ===================
[root@rs1 postfix-2.5.6]# make -f  Makefile.init makefiles

make -f MAKELEVEL= Makefiles

(echo "# Do not edit -- this file documents how Postfix was built for
your machine."; /bin/sh makedefs) >makedefs.tmp

No <db.h> include file found.

Install the appropriate db*-devel package first.

See the RELEASE_NOTES file for more information.

make: *** [Makefiles] Error 1

make: *** [makefiles] Error 2

[root@rs1 postfix-2.5.6]#

I guess you see the error above.

Please note that in my original post, I explained that my setup consists
of two machines; the above setup is for the machine which will host the
'Postfix' & 'PostgreSQL' client, but the PostgreSQL server is at the
back end, which will contain the data.

I know Iamdoing something wrong, but what? a NEWBIE's life is very painful!


PS: Once I encountered, error while installing 'Postfix', I went back &
also installed:
*                  **postgresql-server-8.3.7-1PGDG.rhel5.i386.rpm

& repeated the same. Same error.

Tom Lane wrote:
> "Just E. Mail" <> writes:
>> Now I am trying to install Postfix on the pgsql Client machine. Postfix
>> has the following command to 'Building Postfix with PostgreSQL support':
>> % make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
>>         'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include/pgsql' \
>>         'AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'
> If you have installed Postgres from RPMs, just make sure you've
> installed the postgresql-devel RPM too.  Forget about /usr/local
> --- it should be enough to do
> % make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
>         'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL' \
>         'AUXLIBS=-lpq'
>             regards, tom lane

Re: Postfix with PostgreSQL

On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 12:14 -0600, Just E. Mail wrote:
> No <db.h> include file found.

My postfix spec file requires following packages to build cleanly:

 libspf2-, db4-devel, pcre-devel postgresql-devel zlib-devel
cyrUs-sasl-devel openssl-devel

You will need to install these packages before building your postfix.

However, my vote is not building Postfix from source.

First, download this:

then run:

rpmbuild --rebuild --define "with_pgsql 1" --define "--with-ldap 0" \
--define "with-dovecot 1" --define "--with-sasl 1" \
--define "with_tls 1" postfix-2.5.6-2.src.rpm

If it asks you to install packages before building, do install them.
Here is an example (output may differ):

error: Failed build dependencies:
    openldap-devel >= 1.2.9 is needed by postfix-2.5.6-2.rhel5.x86_64
    openssl-devel is needed by postfix-2.5.6-2.rhel5.x86_64


