Thread: Re: Connecting to schema problems [solved]

Re: Connecting to schema problems [solved]

"Panagiotis Kontaxis"
Thank you for your answer.
I 'm connecting throught ADODB.
My fault, I had to specify the dbname.
I 'm coming from MySQL and I thought that every user has a default database, so no need to explicitly name it.


2008/10/10 Maximilian Tyrtania <>
Hi Panagiotis,

Am 09.10.2008 18:59 Uhr schrieb "Panagiotis Kontaxis" unter

> I'm very new in postgreSQL and i can't create a successfully connection to my
> schema.

Welcome to postgres and this list.

> My database:
> database: dspace
> schema: public
> owner of dspace database: dspace
> I'm using this connection:
> host: <>
> username:dspace
> password: ******
> When I connected with pgAdmin III to dspace database the query "select * from
> item;" returns records.
> The problem occurs when I use a php utility to be connected, and the above
> query fails.
> With the same php settings a query like "select * from pg_tables;" isn't
> failed and returns records to php utility.
> I tried "select * from public.item;" and "select * from dspace.public.item;"
> with no result.

You don't need to name the schema if it is "public" because public is the
default schema if you are connected to the correct database (although
mentioning "public" doesn't hurt either).

Could you maybe show us how exactly you establish the connection from within
php? Do other queries work from within that connection?

Also, remember to always check for errors after you issued a query.

If you have more php specific question you might want to consider
subscribing to the php-list, here:

There is also an archive you might want to look into at:

Best wishes,

Maximilian Tyrtania