Thread: For Perl users - hope it helps somebody

For Perl users - hope it helps somebody

If you use Perl (like me) I have made a very nice set of small programs to access any database, any table and add, change or delete data.
I like it better than using Webmin or PgAdmin because I can easily customize the screens.
To get all database names and encoding:
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=template1", "postgres", "postgres");
my $select = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select datname,encoding from pg_database ORDER BY datname ") or die $DBI::errstr;
To get all tables in a base:
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$base", "postgres", "postgres");
my @tnames = $dbh->tables(''); 
To get the field names in a table (nice for updates):
my @header = @{$sth->{'NAME'}};
my @types  = @{$sth->{'TYPE'}};
Hope somebody can use them

SetQueryTimeout in Postgres 8.1.4

"Selvakaruppiah s-TLS,Chennai"

Hi all,

I am using Postgres 8.1.4 version (Windows native) server and PSQLODBC.dll version

It seems SetQueryTimeOut is not implemented in Postgres 8.1.4.

Hence my application hangs sometimes if the database server machine goes down abnormally.

While browsing the application log, I noticed that it hangs in ExecuteSql method or Record set open functions.

Any help is appreciated to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.






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Problem with Postgres 8.1.4

"Selvakaruppiah s-TLS,Chennai"

Hi All


I am facing a problem with Postgres 8.1.4 Windows native version.

I am writing a simple application that executes an update query in a postgres database.

This query execution will be called in a loop for 500 times.

After starting the execution of the exe, I am switching off the Postgres server machine (say abrupt shutdown of the machine happened).

In this scenario, my sample application hangs.


Application code snippet would be like the below.


DBObj.Open (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, ConnectionString);

SQL = "Update mytable set sno=1 where sno=1";

for(int n=0; n<500; n++)





DBObj.ExecuteSQL (strSql);



Catch Exceptions…{}




Application hangs in the ExecuteSql statement itself.


This problem is not happening with Postgres 7.2.4 that runs on top of Cygwin.

And also this problem is not happening if I shutdown the server alone from Services

Instead of machine shutdown.


Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.






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