Thread: Table exists but can't drop.

Table exists but can't drop.

"Ridvan Lakas ng Bayan S. Baluyos"
Hi all,

I have a weird problem. When I'm describing a table, I can see its table structure. However, when I try to drop/select the table. It says that the table doesn't exist.

I checked the rights of the user and only found out that I only have 2 users for the database. I tried to login as user `postgres` and tried to drop it again. But still it says that the relation doesn't exist.

pos=# begin;
pos=# \d gtmonitor2
       Table "public.gtmonitor2"
  Column   |     Type      | Modifiers
 pos       | integer       | not null
 dt        | date          | not null
 oldgt     | numeric(16,4) | not null
 newgt     | numeric(16,4) | not null
 txnamount | numeric(16,4) | not null
 txncount  | integer       | not null
 zcount    | integer       | not null
 opencount | integer       | not null

pos=# drop table gtmonitor2;
ERROR:  table "gtmonitor2" does not exist

What could the problem be?

Thanks in advance!


リヅバン バルヨス

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A: Inheritance.

Re: Table exists but can't drop.

Tom Lane
"Ridvan Lakas ng Bayan S. Baluyos" <> writes:
> I have a weird problem. When I'm describing a table, I can see its table
> structure. However, when I try to drop/select the table. It says that the
> table doesn't exist.

Bizarre.  What PG version is this?  Can you SELECT from that table?
Could we see the results of
    select ctid, xmin, xmax from pg_class where relname = 'gtmonitor2'

            regards, tom lane