Thread: editing pg_hba.conf

editing pg_hba.conf

Eric Jarvies

i have installed postgresql, and it's up and running fine, using the
postgres user account.  however, when i run the pgadmin III utility,
and attempt to File>Open pg_hba.conf file, i cannot select it from
it's /data folder because it is obviously locked.  i am using my
default os x user account, and so i clearly to not have access to that
postgres user folder.  although i have a postgres user account, i do
not have a postgres user account listed under my Preferences >
Accounts.  should i create one here?  or is there any way to make the
existing postgres account visible in my Accounts list?

so, the question is; what would i need to do in order to make that
file easily selectable/editable using the pgadmin III utility
File>Open pg_hba.conf?  whilst remaining logged in using my default os
x user account?

i would prefer being able to use pgadmin to edit this file, instead of
having to use Terminal > sudo su > su -l postgres > vi/emacs
pg_hba.conf.  also, i have not had much success in using vi or emacs
to edit the file, because it is read only, and i haven't been able to
figure out how to overcome that(i've shut down the postgresql server).

thus, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


eric jarvies

Re: editing pg_hba.conf

Shane Ambler
Eric Jarvies wrote:
> hello,
> i have installed postgresql, and it's up and running fine, using the
> postgres user account.  however, when i run the pgadmin III utility, and
> attempt to File>Open pg_hba.conf file, i cannot select it from it's
> /data folder because it is obviously locked.  i am using my default os x
> user account, and so i clearly to not have access to that postgres user
> folder.  although i have a postgres user account, i do not have a
> postgres user account listed under my Preferences > Accounts.  should i
> create one here?  or is there any way to make the existing postgres
> account visible in my Accounts list?

Ensure that you have the adminpack installed. You can find it and
instructions in the postgresql source distribution under contrib. This
will allow the server to adjust the file, you can then access it from
tools->server configuration->pg_hba.conf


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

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