Thread: Update with aggregate subquery?

Update with aggregate subquery?

Steve Lefevre
Hello all -

I'm trying to find a way to simply some code, and I have an idea that I
can't quite hatch. It might be too complex for SQL.

I'm trying to do something like

UPDATE first_table SET latitude = ( SELECT avg(lat) FROM another_table
GROUP BY another_table.first_table_id WHERE another_table.first_table_id
= )

Basically I have to refer to the 'outside' table within the subselect --
the '' in the subselect. Is this possible?

The added wrinkle is that the table I am selecting from is the same
table in a self join! Would that add any problems?

Re: Update with aggregate subquery?

"Josh Tolley"
On 7/5/07, Steve Lefevre <> wrote:
> Hello all -
> I'm trying to find a way to simply some code, and I have an idea that I
> can't quite hatch. It might be too complex for SQL.
> I'm trying to do something like
> UPDATE first_table SET latitude = ( SELECT avg(lat) FROM another_table
> GROUP BY another_table.first_table_id WHERE another_table.first_table_id
> = )
> Basically I have to refer to the 'outside' table within the subselect --
> the '' in the subselect. Is this possible?
> The added wrinkle is that the table I am selecting from is the same
> table in a self join! Would that add any problems?

So first_table and another_table are really the same table, if I read
you correctly? It looks like you can do this (and get a much faster
execution) doing something like this:
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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UPDATE first_table f SET latitude = n.latitude FROM (SELECT
first_table_id, avg(latitude) FROM first_table GROUP BY
first_table_id) n WHERE n.first_table_id = f.first_table_id;

See for
more on UPDATE...FROM. Note that it's PostgreSQL-specific syntax, not
standard SQL.
