Thread: COMMENT on "osc_zones" ...... ERROR at the opening quotation

COMMENT on "osc_zones" ...... ERROR at the opening quotation

joe speigle
hello guys,
this is one admin from the mysql2psql.perl gborg site
is its homepage
we are adding support for mysql comments and can generate the following
comment commands:
COMMENT ON "osc_zones"."zone_country_id" IS 'zone country id here
COMMENT ON "osc_zones" IS 'must be country zones';
the quotes are there in case people do not want their table names to all
be lowercased.  When the conversion script (mysql -> pg) you can specify a
flag --lowercase which will lowercase them.  If that's not set, they are
put in quotes.  If quotes are used, the above generate errors.
Isn't that valid, or doesn't the COMMENT command allow quotes?
I searched the internet but couldn't find an answer there, I only found
examples which did not include quotes.

thank you,


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