Thread: VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

"Allan Sullivan"

I've just started working with PostgresSQL. Currently, we are using version 8.2 on a Windows XP platform for both the
PostgresDB and all other application files. 

I am trying to estabish a connection to the database using ODBC (PostgreSQL Unicode driver within a VB.Net
application.When I make the connection as a desktop application, I am able to successfully access the database.
However,when I attempt to make the connection through a VB.Net web application, I am getting the following error:  

ERROR [28000] Communication error during authentication; Error while reading from the socket.

I've tried using both direct ODBC functions and ADO objects, with similar problems (i.e. it functions in a desktop
environment,but not through a web environment). An example of my code to access the database is as follows: 

        Dim szConnect As String = "DSN=mydsnname;UID=myuid;PWD=******"
        Dim cnDB As New Odbc.OdbcConnection(szConnect)
        cnDB.Open()    ' <--- this is where the code fails
        Dim dsDB As New DataSet
        Dim adDB As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
        Dim cbDB As New Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder(adDB)
        adDB.SelectCommand = New Odbc.OdbcCommand("Select * from mytable", cnDB)

Any idea why the failure occurs when doing web applications? Is there some set of permissions I have to give to the web
serverprocess or some other code in order to give it permission to run ODBC applications? 

Re: VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

Richard Broersma Jr
> Any idea why the failure occurs when doing web applications? Is there some set of permissions I
> have to give to the web server process or some other code in order to give it permission to run
> ODBC applications?

Not too sure whay you are getting this error,  if you don't get the answer you are looking for on
this list you will probably get your answer on the pg_odbc list for sure.  Just curious, why not
use the .net provider for postgres rather than odbc since you are already programming in .net?


Richard Broersma Jr.

> I've just started working with PostgresSQL.
> Currently, we are using version 8.2 on a Windows XP
> platform for both the Postgres DB and all other
> application files.
> I am trying to estabish a connection to the database
> using ODBC (PostgreSQL Unicode driver
> within a VB.Net application.

Allan, i don't know if it is an issue or not, but i
recall that the odbc drivers for pgsql are gpl.  if
i'm right, i think this might mean your whole
application may have to be gpl if you use them.  i'm
not 100% certain and i don't evenknow if it is an
issue for you, however, i thought i'd chime in so you
can follow up on it *if* it is an issue.

good luck.

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Re: VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

Tom Lane
<> writes:
> Allan, i don't know if it is an issue or not, but i
> recall that the odbc drivers for pgsql are gpl.

No, they're LGPL.

unixODBC is GPL, but I don't think a Windows user cares about that.

            regards, tom lane

> <> writes:
> > Allan, i don't know if it is an issue or not, but
> i
> > recall that the odbc drivers for pgsql are gpl.
> No, they're LGPL.
> unixODBC is GPL, but I don't think a Windows user
> cares about that.
>             regards, tom lane

Thanks, Tom.  i didn't mean to cause any confusion - i
saw this in the docs and i guess the "unix" part
didn't register in my weary head.

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Re: VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

"Greg Quinn"
Use the .net provider as Richard mentioned.

The documentation is quite good which shows you how to connect to the db
etc. in .NET. All you need to do is copy the npgsql.dll file into your apps
bin folder.

For example your code would look something like...

Dim szConnect As String = "DSN=mydsnname;UID=myuid;PWD=******"
        Dim cnDB As New PgSqlConnection(szConnect)
        cnDB.Open()    ' <--- this is where the code fails
        Dim dsDB As New DataSet
        Dim adDB As New PgSqlDataAdapter
        Dim cbDB As New PgSqlCommandBuilder(adDB)
        adDB.SelectCommand = New PgSqlCommand("Select * from mytable", cnDB)

If you have any other issues let us know. Been using PostGreSQL with .NET
extensively lately  and it's a breeze :)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Allan Sullivan
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 10:58 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] VB.NET web applications accessing PostgresSql through ODBC

I've just started working with PostgresSQL. Currently, we are using version
8.2 on a Windows XP platform for both the Postgres DB and all other
application files.

I am trying to estabish a connection to the database using ODBC (PostgreSQL
Unicode driver within a VB.Net application. When I make the
connection as a desktop application, I am able to successfully access the
database. However, when I attempt to make the connection through a VB.Net
web application, I am getting the following error:

ERROR [28000] Communication error during authentication; Error while reading
from the socket.

I've tried using both direct ODBC functions and ADO objects, with similar
problems (i.e. it functions in a desktop environment, but not through a web
environment). An example of my code to access the database is as follows:

        Dim szConnect As String = "DSN=mydsnname;UID=myuid;PWD=******"
        Dim cnDB As New Odbc.OdbcConnection(szConnect)
        cnDB.Open()    ' <--- this is where the code fails
        Dim dsDB As New DataSet
        Dim adDB As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter
        Dim cbDB As New Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder(adDB)
        adDB.SelectCommand = New Odbc.OdbcCommand("Select * from mytable",

Any idea why the failure occurs when doing web applications? Is there some
set of permissions I have to give to the web server process or some other
code in order to give it permission to run ODBC applications?

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