Thread: ANALYZE errors (postgres 8.1.4)

ANALYZE errors (postgres 8.1.4)

Tim Bowden
I'm having some problems with ANALYZE.

When I run ANALYZE on a postgis enabled database created by ogr2ogr from
the Census Bureau's tiger data I get the following error for a number of
the tables created:

tiger2005se=# ANALYZE arealandmarks ;
NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats

I can't find any reference to this error.  What does it mean?

Table structure:
tiger2005se=# \d arealandmarks
                                  Table "public.arealandmarks"
    Column    |     Type      |                            Modifiers
 ogc_fid      | integer       | not null default
 wkb_geometry | geometry      |
 module       | character(8)  |
 file         | character(5)  |
 state        | numeric(2,0)  |
 county       | numeric(3,0)  |
 cenid        | character(5)  |
 polyid       | numeric(10,0) |
 land         | numeric(10,0) |
    "indx_mod_arealandmarks" btree (module)
Check constraints:
    "enforce_dims_wkb_geometry" CHECK (ndims(wkb_geometry) = 2)
    "enforce_srid_wkb_geometry" CHECK (srid(wkb_geometry) = 32767)

Tim Bowden
Mapforge Geospatial

Re: ANALYZE errors (postgres 8.1.4)

Tom Lane
Tim Bowden <> writes:
> When I run ANALYZE on a postgis enabled database created by ogr2ogr from
> the Census Bureau's tiger data I get the following error for a number of
> the tables created:
> tiger2005se=# ANALYZE arealandmarks ;
> NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats

You'd have to ask the PostGIS people --- there is no such error message
in the base Postgres distribution, so I suppose it must be theirs.

            regards, tom lane

Re: ANALYZE errors (postgres 8.1.4)

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 10:15:21AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Tim Bowden <> writes:
> > When I run ANALYZE on a postgis enabled database created by ogr2ogr from
> > the Census Bureau's tiger data I get the following error for a number of
> > the tables created:
> > tiger2005se=# ANALYZE arealandmarks ;
> > NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats
> You'd have to ask the PostGIS people --- there is no such error message
> in the base Postgres distribution, so I suppose it must be theirs.

Yes, this is a PostGIS message.

Michael Fuhr

Re: ANALYZE errors (postgres 8.1.4)

Tim Bowden
Thanks Tom & Michael,

Now I know where it comes from I can deal with it sensibly.

Tim Bowden

On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 08:21 -0700, Michael Fuhr wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 10:15:21AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> > Tim Bowden <> writes:
> > > When I run ANALYZE on a postgis enabled database created by ogr2ogr from
> > > the Census Bureau's tiger data I get the following error for a number of
> > > the tables created:
> > > tiger2005se=# ANALYZE arealandmarks ;
> > > NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats
> >
> > You'd have to ask the PostGIS people --- there is no such error message
> > in the base Postgres distribution, so I suppose it must be theirs.
> Yes, this is a PostGIS message.