Thread: reinstallation of Posstgresql 8.0 program

reinstallation of Posstgresql 8.0 program


I had to remove my Sam Broadcaster program and with it Posstgresql 8.0. During the re-installation, the program stops and gives the message”…could not be installed. Verify you have sufficient privileges…”. I am at the administrator level as a user.

 I have removed the program, all related file folders I could find and ran a program to clean the registry. I have read the FAQ solutions on the web site but apparently I do not understand what it is telling me to do. So, if someone could explain to me what I am missing it would be a great help and please explain it like you were talking to a two year. I might get it.


Re: reinstallation of Posstgresql 8.0 program

> I had to remove my Sam Broadcaster program and with
> it Posstgresql 8.0.
> During the re-installation, the program stops and
> gives the
> message".could not be installed. Verify you have
> sufficient
> privileges.". I am at the administrator level as a
> user.
>  I have removed the program, all related file
> folders I could find and
> ran a program to clean the registry. I have read the
> FAQ solutions on
> the web site but apparently I do not understand what
> it is telling me to
> do. So, if someone could explain to me what I am
> missing it would be a
> great help and please explain it like you were
> talking to a two year. I
> might get it.
> Shalerman

check here for som einstyructions how to install pgsql
(download the pdf):

it sounds like you don't have permission to access the
install directory.

on winxp pro, i think you can just right click on the
directory in question and adjust the permissions.  on
winxp home, i think you have to restart, go into safe
mode and log in as administrator.  then i think you
can right click and adjust permissions.

your path is probably something similar to:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\data\

make sure your admin user has rights to all the
directories.  you might want to delete the directory,
if it exists, and try again.

good luck.

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