Thread: PostGIS Geometry column in pg8.1.3

PostGIS Geometry column in pg8.1.3

Dear All,
While workin with PostgreSQL 7.4.6 Geometry was stored as String for
SRID=-1;POINT(135.744865606022 304.591390378093)
Now we have installed PostgreSQL 8.1.3.
Geometries are stored in a different format for example:
Is there a way to set up PostgreSQL8.1 or PostGIS to store geometries in
String format as it was prviously?
Thanks a lot in advance

Re: PostGIS Geometry column in pg8.1.3

Michael Fuhr
On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 02:50:21PM +0100, Oleg wrote:
> While workin with PostgreSQL 7.4.6 Geometry was stored as String for
> example:
> SRID=-1;POINT(135.744865606022 304.591390378093)
> Now we have installed PostgreSQL 8.1.3.
> Geometries are stored in a different format for example:
> 01010000003E580C9953964A41F76AF257F9CD5441
> Is there a way to set up PostgreSQL8.1 or PostGIS to store geometries in
> String format as it was prviously?

PostGIS is a separate project from PostgreSQL so you'd be better off
asking questions about it on the postgis-users mailing list.

The change you're seeing is due to a different version of PostGIS,
not a different version of PostgreSQL.  Recent versions of PostGIS
(since 1.0, I think) display a different "canonical form" than older
versions did; search the postgis-users and postgis-devel archives
for discussion and rationale.  You can use the AsText or AsEWKT
functions to get the Well-Known Text representation:

postgis=> SELECT geom, AsText(geom) FROM foo;
                    geom                    |         astext
 010100000077BE9F1A2FDD5E40AC1C5A643BDD8E40 | POINT(123.456 987.654)
(1 row)

Michael Fuhr