Thread: Trigger question

Trigger question

George McQuade
Hello List,

We are implemententing an accounting system and have two basic tables,
the relevant structure look like:

                   Table "s78.fintrans"
     Column      |            Type             | Modifiers
 id              | bigint                      | not null
 postdate        | timestamp without time zone |
 debit           | integer                     |
 credit          | integer                     |
 amount          | numeric(10,2)               |

        Table "s78.accountsbal"
  Column   |     Type      | Modifiers
 glid      | bigint        | not null
 balance   | numeric(12,2) | not null
 date      | date          | not null

A typical fintrans record looks like, pretend 10000 is some asset
account and 20000 is some liability account (fintrans holds db/cr
transactions and accountsbal holds balance sheet images):

1 12/05/05 13:45:05 10000 20000 100.00
2 12/06/05 09:55:33 10000 20000 125.00

and accountsbal:

10000  100.00 12/05/05
20000 -100.00 12/05/05
10000  125.00 12/06/05
20000 -125.00 12/06/05

We are wondering if we can implement a trigger that will maintain table
accountsbal so our client application does not have to worry about it.

The trick is that accountsbal needs to be updated for any change in
postdate, debit, credit or amount fields in fintrans table, for example,
changing fintrans record on 12/05/05 to $50 would yield:

10000  50.00 12/05/05
20000 -50.00 12/05/05
10000  75.00 12/06/05
10000 -75.00 12/06/05

Changes are allowed in fintrans.postdate, fintrans.debit, and fintrans.amount.

Does anyone have any idea how this can be implemented efficiently using
plpgsql triggers and functions?

