----- Original Message -----
From: "T j i b b e"
> XML2 is not included in the windows postgresql installer. So I googled and
> downloaded a windows binary from http://www.u-moe.org/pgxml/.
> I tried to install it:
> C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin>psql -U postgres -f
> ..\share\contrib\pgxml.sql
> And get this error:
> psql:../share/contrib/pgxml.sql:4: ERROR: could not load library
> "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.1/lib/pgxml.dll": The specified procedure
> could not be found.
Hi Tjibbe,
The xml2 package from http://www.u-moe.org/pgxml/ does not include
libxslt.dll which is necessary to install xml2 on postgres 8.1. You can get
the required dll's directly from http://ftp.zlatkovic.com/pub/libxml/ - you
need libxml2.dll, libxslt.dll and iconv.dll.
I think you will find as well that pgxml.dll from
http://www.u-moe.org/pgxml/ will not work with 8.1. I have attached a zip
copy of pgxml.dll which I compiled from source for 8.1 which should work.
With pgxml.dll in C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.1/lib/ and libxml2.dll,
libxslt.dll and iconv.dll in C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.1/bin/, you
should be able to install the xml2 functions. You may have to add
C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.1/lib to your system path (and then reboot),
to get the install to work. I had to do this on a laptop running XP Pro.
If you still encounter problems, I would suggest compiling pgxml.dll from
source. I am running XP rather than Windows 2000.