Thread: JOINing record returning function to query

JOINing record returning function to query

A Gilmore

I have a plpgsql function that returns a single row based on two ints it
is passed.  I want to join this function onto a SELECT query.  If I give
it to static ints like :

myfunc(8, 5);

It works fine, however in the query, the second arg is a column like so:


This results in the error :

NOTICE:  adding missing FROM-clause entry for table "t1"
ERROR:  function expression in FROM may not refer to other relations of
same query level

What is the proper method of doing this?  Google found this discussion


but after reading a few times I am still scratching my head.

Example code would probably be to lengthy to be useful.

Thank you in advance,
- A Gilmore