Thread: digest



can somebody help me how to set my email to daily

I have tried this :

from :

If you hate getting many mail messages per day then
you should consider a digest (where you receive
multiple messages to the list as one message to you).
To subscribe or unsubscribe from the digested list,
send mail to The
body of the message should contain the single line
"subscribe-digest" or "unsubscribe-digest".

but i doesn't work at all

thank you very much

J u n a i d y  A n w a r
Dept. of Information Technology

PT. Tiara Gaya Arga Kencana
Paint, Road Marking, & Epoxy Manufacturer
Jl. Cimareme No. 185 A Padalarang, West Java - Indonesia

Phone : +62 22 665 1515 [ hunting ]
Fax.: +62 22 665 6555
Mobile: +62 856 219 8835 / +62 22 911 80 855 / +62 22 707 87 555

May I become at all times, both now and forever; a protector for those without protection; a guide for those who have
losttheir way; a ship for those with oceans to cross; a bridge for those with rivers to cross; a sanctuary for those in
danger;a lamp for those without light; a place of refuge for those who lack of shelter; and a servant to all in

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