Thread: Need a "development DB"

Need a "development DB"


Hi.  I would like to be able to have a version of a database for
production and one for development.  How can I set things up to
facilitate the process of updating the production database so that it
matches the current state of the development database?

Also, is there some form of revision control for databases?



Re: Need a "development DB"

Kretschmer Andreas
Date: <> schrieb:

> Hi.  I would like to be able to have a version of a database for
> production and one for development.  How can I set things up to
> facilitate the process of updating the production database so that it
> matches the current state of the development database?

You can use a different schema for development ans production.

> Also, is there some form of revision control for databases?


Regards, Andreas
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