Thread: Problem restarting server

Problem restarting server

Agustín Caminero Herráez

I'm new at using postgreSQL, andI have the following error:

[postgres@nodo2 ~]#  /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Parando el servicio  postgresql:                           [FALLÓ]
rm: no se puede borrar «/var/run/»: Permiso denegado
-->> Access Denied
Iniciando servicios postgresql:                            [  OK  ]
[postgres@nodo2 ~]#

That file used to be owned by root, by I changed its ownership, and now
its rights are the following:

-rw-r--r--  1 postgres postgres    6 may 23 10:31

But the error stays the same.
What can I do to solve this error?

Apart from that, although it seems that the server is running properly,
it's not true, because when I try whatever, I have this error:

[postgres@nodo2 ~]#  psql
psql: FATAL:  los argumentos de línea de comando no son válidos para
proceso servidor -->> command line arguments are not valid for server
HINT:  Pruebe "postgres --help" para mayor información.
[postgres@nodo2 ~]#

Does anybody know why this happens, and what can I do to solve it?

Thanks a lot in advance!


                  Agustín Caminero Herráez

Departamento de Informática         Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Instituto de Investigación en       Campus Universitario s. n.
Informática de Albacete (i3A)       02071-ALBACETE (SPAIN)

e-mail:     Tlf : +34 967 599200 Ext. 2693
                                    Fax : +34 967 599224



Re: Problem restarting server

Tom Lane
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Agust=EDn_Caminero_Herr=E1ez?= <> writes:
> [postgres@nodo2 ~]#  psql
> psql: FATAL:  los argumentos de l�nea de comando no son v�lidos para
> proceso servidor -->> command line arguments are not valid for server
> process
> HINT:  Pruebe "postgres --help" para mayor informaci�n.

Look again --- you seem to have invoked "postgres", not "psql".  There
is seldom any reason to invoke the "postgres" program directly.

If you really did type "psql" then your installation is messed up
(somehow postgres got copied over psql, I suppose).  Might be easiest
to remove and reinstall the programs.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Problem restarting server

Agustín Caminero Herráez
What's the difference between "postgres" and "psql"?

Tom Lane wrote:

>=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Agust=EDn_Caminero_Herr=E1ez?= <> writes:
>>[postgres@nodo2 ~]#  psql
>>psql: FATAL:  los argumentos de línea de comando no son válidos para
>>proceso servidor -->> command line arguments are not valid for server
>>HINT:  Pruebe "postgres --help" para mayor información.
>Look again --- you seem to have invoked "postgres", not "psql".  There
>is seldom any reason to invoke the "postgres" program directly.
>If you really did type "psql" then your installation is messed up
>(somehow postgres got copied over psql, I suppose).  Might be easiest
>to remove and reinstall the programs.
>            regards, tom lane
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                  Agustín Caminero Herráez

Departamento de Informática         Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Instituto de Investigación en       Campus Universitario s. n.
Informática de Albacete (i3A)       02071-ALBACETE (SPAIN)

e-mail:     Tlf : +34 967 599200 Ext. 2693
                                    Fax : +34 967 599224



Re: Problem restarting server

Bruno Wolff III
On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 16:20:23 +0200,
  Agustín Caminero Herráez <> wrote:
> What's the difference between "postgres" and "psql"?

postgres is the server and psql is a client used to pass queries to the
server from a command line or in a batch script.