Thread: lo_creat SQL command

lo_creat SQL command


I'd be so apprecited if somebody could help me to figure out the
meaning of required parameter for lo_creat() function. In libpq, you
just pass connection and mode params to lo_creat() function. But when
we look at the server-side lo_create() function:

Schema: pg_catalog
Name: lo_creat
Result data type: oid
Argument data types: integer

documentation/lo-funcs.html just uses -1 to create a new empty lo. I'm
cosidering parameter as the database connection to create the large
object. So -1 indicates the current connection. If this is right, how
can I pass another connection to lo_creat() SQL function?

Also it'd perfect if somebody can also point me the file in postgresql
source code which defines these lo functions.


Re: lo_creat SQL command

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 11:18:57PM +0300, Volkan YAZICI wrote:
> I'd be so apprecited if somebody could help me to figure out the
> meaning of required parameter for lo_creat() function. In libpq, you
> just pass connection and mode params to lo_creat() function. But when
> we look at the server-side lo_create() function:
> Schema: pg_catalog
> Name: lo_creat
> Result data type: oid
> Argument data types: integer
> documentation/lo-funcs.html just uses -1 to create a new empty lo. I'm
> cosidering parameter as the database connection to create the large
> object. So -1 indicates the current connection. If this is right, how
> can I pass another connection to lo_creat() SQL function?

The source code for the backend lo_creat() calls the argument "mode",
which would correspond to the second argument of the client-side
(libpq) lo_creat().  The server-side lo_creat() passes "mode" to
inv_create(), which calls the argument "flags".  That function
contains the following code:

  if (flags & INV_WRITE)
      retval->flags = IFS_WRLOCK | IFS_RDLOCK;
  else if (flags & INV_READ)
      retval->flags = IFS_RDLOCK;
      elog(ERROR, "invalid flags: %d", flags);

> Also it'd perfect if somebody can also point me the file in postgresql
> source code which defines these lo functions.

Various source code tools make it easy to browse code and find
functions, but even without such tools you can use find and grep:

  % find src -name '*.c' | xargs grep '^lo_creat'
  src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c:lo_creat(PGconn *conn, int mode)


  % grep '^lo_creat' `find src -name '*.c'`
  src/interfaces/libpq/fe-lobj.c:lo_creat(PGconn *conn, int mode)

(Be careful to distinguish between single quotes and backticks in
the above commands.)

Functions in the source code don't always have the same name as in
SQL, so before doing a search like the above you might need to query
the system catalogs.  For example, if you wanted to find the source
code for the abs() function, you could execute this query:

  SELECT p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) AS argtypes,
         g.lanname, p.prosrc
  FROM pg_proc AS p JOIN pg_language AS g ON g.oid = p.prolang
  WHERE proname = 'abs';
   proname |     argtypes     | lanname  |   prosrc
   abs     | numeric          | internal | numeric_abs
   abs     | double precision | internal | float8abs
   abs     | real             | internal | float4abs
   abs     | integer          | internal | int4abs
   abs     | smallint         | internal | int2abs
   abs     | bigint           | internal | int8abs
  (6 rows)

You'd then search the source code for numeric_abs, float8abs, etc.
Note that the meaning of prosrc varies depending on the language --
in this case the language is "internal", so prosrc refers to a
function in the PostgreSQL source code.

Michael Fuhr