Thread: inset html data into text column

inset html data into text column


I am new to postgresql and i am not a native english speaker so please forgive me.

I have a table with a column of type text with no limitation of caracters, that i'm trying to insert html formatted
textinto but the text gets truncated.  

I have also tried with the function to_ascii() but with no success.

I have seach in google for solutions to this but didn't find any anser.

As you have already understand the purpose of this is to be able to retrive dynamically the content of this column to a

for the moment i have tested with psycopg, pgsql and pgAdmin III. always getting the same result.

i'am using postgresql 7.4.7 and debian.


Re: inset html data into text column

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 10:28:39AM +0100, rui.justino wrote:
> I have a table with a column of type text with no limitation of
> caracters, that i'm trying to insert html formatted text into but
> the text gets truncated.

How are you inserting the HTML?  How are you determining that the
text is truncated?  How many characters are in the truncated text?
Have you used length() to see how much text is in the table?  Is
it possible that all the text is there and the client is truncating
it for output?

> for the moment i have tested with psycopg, pgsql and pgAdmin III.
> always getting the same result.

I don't use pgAdmin but I recall people saying that it truncates
output.  Are you sure the psycopg and psql (? -- you said "pgsql")
tests are correct?  Could you post a simple test case that shows
exactly what you did?

Michael Fuhr