Thread: Acessing array element from plpgsql

Acessing array element from plpgsql

"Celia McInnis"

plpgsql allows me to define an array:

  direction TEXT[2]:=array['out','in'];

and I can print out the whole array via:

  RAISE NOTICE 'direction=%',direction;



but how do I access members of this array individually??? I'd love it if
direction[1] would pull out the 2nd or 1st element so that I could use it in
the selects which my procedure is forming, but I get syntax errors when I try
to reference the array element in such a way. For example:

  RAISE NOTICE '%',direction[1];


  ERROR:  syntax error at or near "[" at character ####
  LINE ##: RAISE NOTICE '%',direction[1];
Thanks for any help which you can give. I am running postgresql 8.0.1.

Celia McInnis

Open WebMail Project (