Thread: some help

some help

"William Dominguez"
I instaled the postgreSQL 8.0 version on windows 2000 advance server.
I can do anythin of database in pgadminIII but not from web, when I try to
conect with pg_connect it give me an error ---"Call to undefined function:
pg_connect()"--- What can I do???
Somebody can help me.

Re: some help

"Rodolfo J. Paiz"
On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 09:22 +0100, William Dominguez wrote:
> I instaled the postgreSQL 8.0 version on windows 2000 advance server.
> I can do anythin of database in pgadminIII but not from web, when I
> try to
> conect with pg_connect it give me an error ---"Call to undefined
> function:
> pg_connect()"--- What can I do???

Sorry... currently struggling with the same problem myself. :-)


Rodolfo J. Paiz <>

Re: some help

Mitch Pirtle
This is because your php.ini is not loading the postgres database
driver. Just find your php.ini, and change the line that says:




(Remove the semicolon and you're golden)

After doing this you will need to restart/reload apache for the config
changes to take effect.

-- Mitch

Re: some help

"Rodolfo J. Paiz"
On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 10:23 -0500, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> This is because your php.ini is not loading the postgres database
> driver. Just find your php.ini, and change the line that says:
> ;extension=php_pgsql.dll
> to:
> extension=php_pgsql.dll
> (Remove the semicolon and you're golden)

Note that this filename refers to Windows. Just FYI.

In my case, you've led me one step forward though. Indeed the PHP-PG
stuff is not enabled in Apache, but I'm using CPANEL (a hosting sytem)
which compiles its own Apache... and of course I don't want to break it.

I'm currently looking for ways to either enable this via CPANEL or
rebuild Apache via CPANEL to include PG functionality. Any pointers
welcome while I attempt this, too.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <>

Re: some help

"Rodolfo J. Paiz"
On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 14:10 -0600, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> In my case, you've led me one step forward though. Indeed the PHP-PG
> stuff is not enabled in Apache, but I'm using CPANEL (a hosting sytem)
> which compiles its own Apache... and of course I don't want to break it.
> I'm currently looking for ways to either enable this via CPANEL or
> rebuild Apache via CPANEL to include PG functionality. Any pointers
> welcome while I attempt this, too.

Got it! Different error now, going to another thread for clarity.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <>