Thread: postgresql.conf in windowsXP

postgresql.conf in windowsXP

Ramon Orticio
how do you edit the posgresql.conf file in windowsXP

i have already placed the 'listen_addresses='*' to the
postgresql.conf fiile in \program
file\PostgreSQL\8.0.0-rc2\share\postgresql.conf file
but i could not still connect the error message an
error has occured: could not connect to server:
connection refused i the server running on host
"127.0.1" and accepting TCP/IP connection on port

thanks for any info


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Re: postgresql.conf in windowsXP

John DeSoi
On Jan 12, 2005, at 2:31 AM, Ramon Orticio wrote:

> i have already placed the 'listen_addresses='*' to the
> postgresql.conf fiile in \program
> file\PostgreSQL\8.0.0-rc2\share\postgresql.conf file
> but i could not still connect the error message an
> error has occured: could not connect to server:
> connection refused i the server running on host
> "127.0.1" and accepting TCP/IP connection on port
> 5432?

I think you modified the wrong file. The one in the share directory is
the default one in case you mess up and need to start over. You need to
modify the postgresql.conf file in the database cluster directory. If
you did the defaults with the installer and it created the database
cluster that would be \Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.0.0-rc2\data\. Be
sure to restart the the database server after any changes.

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL