Thread: Perl and Postgres

Perl and Postgres

Eduardo Vázquez Rodríguez
Hello everybody out there using postgres and perl

I am writing Perl scripts with the purpouse of parsing text and
inserting the text parsed into a database, which I choose Postgresql.

My scripts are many, exactly 7, if I ran each one of them sequencially,
my processing speed is about 200 lines per second, but if I ran
concurrently the 7 scripts my processing speed downs to 1 line per
second, which is not acceptable.

My strategy of connecting to the database is the following

$mbd = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$database", "$username", "$password")
                 or die "Error opening database: $DBI::errstr \n";

$sth1 = $mbd->prepare
           INSERT INTO public.table ( date, time, time_taken, c_ip,
                                         s_action, sc_bytes, cs_bytes,
                                         cs_uri_scheme, cs_host,
                                         cs_username, s_hierarchy,
                                         cs_content_type, cs_user_agent,
                                         sc_filter_category, xvirus_id,
s_ip, s_sitename)

         VALUES  (?::varchar(10),  ?::varchar(8) , ?::float4 ,
                  ?::varchar(5) ,  ?::varchar(30), ?::float4, ?::float4,
                  ?::varchar(10),  ?::varchar(10), ?::varchar(50),
                  ?::varchar(30),  ?::varchar(20), ?::varchar(30),
                  ?::varchar(200), ?::varchar(30), ?::varchar(30),
                  ?::varchar(15),  ?::varchar(30))

And when I insert

      $sth1->execute ($normal[0],  $normal[1],  $normal[2],  $normal[3],
                         $normal[5],  $normal[6],  $normal[7],
$normal[8],  $normal[9],
                         $normal[10], $normal[11], $normal[12],
$normal[13], $normal[14],
                         $normal[15], $normal[16], $normal[17],
$normal[18], $normal[19],
                         $normal[20], $normal[21])

         or die "Can't insert $DBI::errstr\n"

Every script use 3 database handlers of the "same size", I mean using
the same numbers of fields.

My question is

How can I improve the database performance?

Is there anything wrong on my database handlers that degrade the
performance, from 200 lines per second to 1 line per second?

Thanks in advanced.