Thread: "Procedure" or deferrable check constraint?

"Procedure" or deferrable check constraint?

Ian Pilcher
TIA to anyone who reads all the way through this.

I'm continuing to work on the database design for my super-, duper-,
uber-web jukebox.  One of my goals is to have a very flexible data model
that allows me to capture the constantly changing lineups of pop bands,
jazz ensembles, etc.

With this in mind, I've come up with the following:

--  Basic information about individual persons

CREATE SEQUENCE person_name_id_seq START 1;
CREATE TABLE person_names (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('person_name_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
     first_name TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
     middle_name TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
     CHECK ((id = 0) = (last_name = ''))

--  "empty" name for "empty" person
INSERT INTO person_names (id, last_name) VALUES (0, '');

CREATE SEQUENCE person_id_seq START 1;
CREATE TABLE persons (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('person_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     given_name INTEGER CHECK (given_name != 0) REFERENCES person_names,
     legal_name INTEGER CHECK (legal_name != 0) REFERENCES person_names,
     primary_name INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES person_names,
     CHECK ((id = 0) = (primary_name = 0))

--  "empty" person for "empty" stage name
INSERT INTO persons (id, primary_name) VALUES (0, 0);

CREATE SEQUENCE stage_name_id_seq START 1;
CREATE TABLE stage_names (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('stage_name_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     person INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES persons,
     name INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES person_names,
     CHECK ((id = 0) = (person = 0) AND (id = 0) = (name = 0)),
     UNIQUE (person, name)

-- "empty" stage name for artists that are groups
INSERT INTO stage_names (id, person, name) VALUES (0, 0, 0);

--  Basic information about groups

CREATE SEQUENCE group_name_id_seq START 1;
CREATE TABLE group_names (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('group_name_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     name TEXT NOT NULL,
     prefix TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
     CHECK ((id = 0) = (name = ''))

--  "empty" group name for unnamed collaborations
INSERT INTO group_names (id, name) VALUES (0, '');

CREATE SEQUENCE lineup_id_seq START 1;
CREATE TABLE lineups (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('lineup_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     name INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES group_names

--  "empty" lineup for artists that are persons
INSERT INTO lineups (id, name) VALUES (0, 0);

--  An artist is a person or a group

CREATE SEQUENCE artist_id_seq;
CREATE TABLE artists (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('artist_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     person INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL REFERENCES stage_names,
     CHECK ((person = 0) != (lineup = 0)),
     UNIQUE (person, lineup)

--  A lineup must have two or more artists (each of which may or may not
--  have a defined role) or a name.

CREATE SEQUENCE role_id_seq;
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('role_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (name != '')

CREATE SEQUENCE artist_role_lineup_id_seq;
CREATE TABLE artist_role_lineup (
     id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('artist_role_lineup_id_seq') PRIMARY KEY,
     artist INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (artist != 0) REFERENCES artists,
     role INTEGER REFERENCES roles,
     lineup INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (lineup != 0)
             REFERENCES lineups DEFERRABLE

     'SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM artist_role_lineup WHERE lineup = $1)
             >= 2 AS RESULT;'

         WHEN id = 0 THEN (name = 0)
         ELSE (name != 0 OR lineup_has_artists(id))

Creating a group with no membership information is straightforward:

=> INSERT INTO group_names (name, prefix) VALUES ('Police', 'The');
INSERT 34562 1
=> SELECT * FROM group_names;
  id |  name  | prefix
   0 |        |
   1 | Police | The
(2 rows)

=> INSERT INTO lineups (name) VALUES (1);
INSERT 34563 1
=> SELECT * FROM lineups;
  id | name
   0 |    0
   1 |    1
(2 rows)

=> INSERT INTO artists (lineup) VALUES (1);
INSERT 34564 1
pilcher=> SELECT * FROM artists;
  id | person | lineup
   1 |      0 |      1
(1 row)

Adding information about individuals is also pretty simple:

=> INSERT INTO person_names (last_name, first_name)
-> VALUES ('Fitzgerald', 'Ella');
INSERT 34713 1
=> INSERT INTO person_names (last_name, first_name)
-> VALUES ('Armstrong', 'Louis');
INSERT 34714 1
=> SELECT * FROM person_names;
  id | last_name  | first_name | middle_name
   0 |            |            |
   1 | Fitzgerald | Ella       |
   2 | Armstrong  | Louis      |
(3 rows)

=> INSERT INTO persons (primary_name) VALUES (1);
INSERT 34715 1
=> INSERT INTO persons (primary_name) VALUES (2);
INSERT 34716 1
=> SELECT * FROM persons;
  id | given_name | legal_name | primary_name
   0 |            |            |            0
   1 |            |            |            1
   2 |            |            |            2
(3 rows)

=> INSERT INTO stage_names (person, name) VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT 34717 1
=> INSERT INTO stage_names (person, name) VALUES (2, 2);
INSERT 34718 1
=> SELECT * FROM stage_names;
  id | person | name
   0 |      0 |    0
   1 |      1 |    1
   2 |      2 |    2
(3 rows)

=> INSERT INTO artists (person) VALUES (1);
INSERT 34719 1
=> INSERT INTO artists (person) VALUES (2);
INSERT 34720 1
=> SELECT * FROM artists;
  id | person | lineup
   1 |      0 |      1
   2 |      1 |      0
   3 |      2 |      0
(3 rows)

Now, however, I want to create an "unnamed" collaboration between Ella
Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong:

=> SELECT nextval('lineup_id_seq');
(1 row)

=> INSERT INTO artist_role_lineup (artist, lineup)
-> VALUES (2, 2);
INSERT 34721 1
=> INSERT INTO artist_role_lineup (artist, lineup)
-> VALUES (3, 2);
INSERT 34722 1
=> INSERT INTO lineups (id, name) VALUES (2, 0);
INSERT 34723 1
=> SELECT * FROM lineups;
  id | name
   0 |    0
   1 |    1
   2 |    0
(3 rows)

=> SELECT * FROM artist_role_lineup WHERE lineup = 2;
  id | artist | role | lineup
   1 |      2 |      |      2
   2 |      3 |      |      2
(2 rows)

=> INSERT INTO artists (lineup) VALUES (2);
INSERT 34724 1
=> SELECT * FROM artists;
  id | person | lineup
   1 |      0 |      1
   2 |      1 |      0
   3 |      2 |      0
   4 |      0 |      2
(4 rows)

For some reason, I find it very counter-intuitive to create the
artist_role_lineup entries before creating the lineup itself.  I believe
that I'm stuck with approach, because PostgreSQL doesn't support
deferrable check constraints.

To my questions (finally!):

1.  Is there a better approach to working around the lack of deferrable
     check constraints?  (I would consider an approach that allows me to
     create the lineup before the artist_role_lineup entries to be better
     -- assuming that the workaround doesn't create more obfuscation than
     it removes.)

2.  If the answer to #1 is no, how can I encapsulate the steps necessary
     to create an unnamed lineup into some sort of function/procedure?
     Everything I've read seems to assume that a function must return
     some value and be invoked through a SELECT statement.  I would like
     to be able to simply:

     create_unnamed_lineup(artist, artist)

     It should either succeed or throw(?) an error.  (I can always add
     additional artists to a lineup later.)

Ian Pilcher                              