
"Okeh, Sam"

I have been trying to get my code that does a proximity search.

The way it is intended to work is, a user enters x/y coordinate pair for a search.

The search retrieves the closest address to the point.

So far, that code is working. Below is the working version.

  SELECT str_num||' ' ||name as full_address,
  distance(the_geom,'POINT(2227284.1963667543 1435389.6730164126)'::geometry) as dist
  FROM address order by dist limit 1

This works fine as far as retrieving the closest address to point.

There is however, a slight problem.
Retrieval is very slow due to the table being very large

This is where bounding boxes come in and I have attempted to use it but it is blowing up real big.

Here is the ugly code with a “where” predicate added.

Does anyone have a clue as to what needs to change here for this to work.

  SELECT str_num||' ' ||name as full_address,
  distance(the_geom,'POINT(2227284.1963667543 1435389.6730164126)'::geometry) as dist
  FROM address order by dist limit 1
  WHERE the_geom && 'BOX3D(90900 190900, 100100 200100)'::box3d
  AND distance( the_geom( 'POINT(2227284.1963667543 1435389.6730164126)', -1 ) ) < 100

First I don't know how this part of the code:
'BOX3D(90900 190900, 100100 200100)'::box3d
is derived. I mean the values 90900 190900, 100100 200100.
Second, obviously the syntax is wrong or else it would have worked.

Did I mention I am a complete newbie to openGIS/postGIS/postgreSQL? but I am learning real fast.

Thanks in advance




Select * From Population WHERE skillset > average


Have a great day!

Sam Okeh

Systems Manager

Dept Of Public Works

Phone: 404-224-0484

Email Address:


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