Thread: installing postgresql

installing postgresql

hi, i'm really having a difficult time setting up postgresql on my home
computer.  i have v7.3.2 preinstalled with my OS, but it's really confusing
trying to comprehend it.  there's no usr/local/pgsql/ folder - it's really
hard to find files like postgres.conf.  the files seem to be all over the
place :(  i'd like to just start again & reinstall a new version from scratch.
 (do i need to uninstall 7.3.2 first?).  here's what i need to able to do (so
that i can simulate labs for a 300-level Database Management course at home):

* create & run a pgsql server
* create & maintain pgsql databases
* JDBC support

could some1 please advise me as to the exact files that i need to download
(ie, version, source/rpm etc) in order to meet my needs.  please be as clear
as possible :)

thanx for any help u can offer

comp details:
dell 600m inspiron laptop (1.4GHz, 512RAM)
Redhat 9.0 OS

Re: installing postgresql

joseph speigle
yes, you are having a hard time

try this:

'su - postgres' and see what is around where that lands you (in postgres' home directory).  It may not be standard or
not,but I have $(home_postgres)/data/postgresql.conf so that may be where it is. $PGDATA is an environment var which
holdswhere the data is, if you are curious.   

I don't know why you need that file, though.  You have start scripts for the server, you can use those as root to
start/stopthe server.  Redhat rpms throw stuff in the most stupid places.  To find where it did put things, do rpm -qa
|grep postgresql then when you see which rpms you have, you can see what files the rpm installed with 'rpm -ql
...rpm_name....'(you can do them both a la meme fois si vous voulez avec 'rpm -ql `rpm -qa | grep postgres`' 

You only should upgrade at all if you can't start the server and connect to it.  For your labs, 7.3.2 has everything
youneed, for sure!!  I don't think you should at this point.  See what you have first. 

To connect to the server, see if it is running by doing 'ps -aux' (linux) and looking for postmaster process.   And,
trytyping 'psql -d template1'.  You shouldn't need a pass to connect to them?? 

On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 09:15:39PM +1300, stm23 wrote:
> hi, i'm really having a difficult time setting up postgresql on my home
> computer.  i have v7.3.2 preinstalled with my OS, but it's really confusing
> trying to comprehend it.  there's no usr/local/pgsql/ folder - it's really
> hard to find files like postgres.conf.  the files seem to be all over the
> place :(  i'd like to just start again & reinstall a new version from scratch.
>  (do i need to uninstall 7.3.2 first?).  here's what i need to able to do (so
> that i can simulate labs for a 300-level Database Management course at home):
> * create & run a pgsql server
> * create & maintain pgsql databases
> * JDBC support
> could some1 please advise me as to the exact files that i need to download
> (ie, version, source/rpm etc) in order to meet my needs.  please be as clear
> as possible :)
> thanx for any help u can offer
> sam
> comp details:
> dell 600m inspiron laptop (1.4GHz, 512RAM)
> i686
> Redhat 9.0 OS
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
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>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

joe speigle

Re: installing postgresql

also try typing: locate pgsql.
If your locate db is up to date, it should give you the location of the files
you seek.

On Wed March 10 2004 11:35 pm, joseph speigle wrote:
> hi,
> yes, you are having a hard time
> try this:
> 'su - postgres' and see what is around where that lands you (in postgres'
> home directory).  It may not be standard or not, but I have
> $(home_postgres)/data/postgresql.conf so that may be where it is. $PGDATA
> is an environment var which holds where the data is, if you are curious.
> I don't know why you need that file, though.  You have start scripts for
> the server, you can use those as root to start/stop the server.  Redhat
> rpms throw stuff in the most stupid places.  To find where it did put
> things, do rpm -qa | grep postgresql then when you see which rpms you have,
> you can see what files the rpm installed with 'rpm -ql ...rpm_name....'
> (you can do them both a la meme fois si vous voulez avec 'rpm -ql `rpm -qa
> | grep postgres`'
> You only should upgrade at all if you can't start the server and connect to
> it.  For your labs, 7.3.2 has everything you need, for sure!!  I don't
> think you should at this point.  See what you have first.
> To connect to the server, see if it is running by doing 'ps -aux' (linux)
> and looking for postmaster process.   And, try typing 'psql -d template1'.
> You shouldn't need a pass to connect to them??
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 09:15:39PM +1300, stm23 wrote:
> > hi, i'm really having a difficult time setting up postgresql on my home
> > computer.  i have v7.3.2 preinstalled with my OS, but it's really
> > confusing trying to comprehend it.  there's no usr/local/pgsql/ folder -
> > it's really hard to find files like postgres.conf.  the files seem to be
> > all over the place :(  i'd like to just start again & reinstall a new
> > version from scratch. (do i need to uninstall 7.3.2 first?).  here's what
> > i need to able to do (so that i can simulate labs for a 300-level
> > Database Management course at home):
> >
> > * create & run a pgsql server
> > * create & maintain pgsql databases
> > * JDBC support
> >
> > could some1 please advise me as to the exact files that i need to
> > download (ie, version, source/rpm etc) in order to meet my needs.  please
> > be as clear as possible :)
> >
> > thanx for any help u can offer
> > sam
> >
> > comp details:
> > dell 600m inspiron laptop (1.4GHz, 512RAM)
> > i686
> > Redhat 9.0 OS
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> > TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> >       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
> >       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly