Thread: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index


I'm trying to debug some problem in my database that is resulting in
an error of the form "Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique
index".  The insert statement that is producing this error does not
include a value for the pkey field in question (this field is of type
SERIAL).  I imagine that somehow the counter associated with this
field got messed up, so that it is mistakenly generating a value that
has been used already.  How can I straighten it out?



Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

Hi KJ,

For each SERIAL primary key, there is a sequence table for that table,
which is where the primary key is generated. You need to check to see
that the current counter in the sequence table is passed the MAX primary
key in your table.
id (pkey)

Will have a sequence table

For further information look at:

Hope that helps
Noel wrote:

>I'm trying to debug some problem in my database that is resulting in
>an error of the form "Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique
>index".  The insert statement that is producing this error does not
>include a value for the pkey field in question (this field is of type
>SERIAL).  I imagine that somehow the counter associated with this
>field got messed up, so that it is mistakenly generating a value that
>has been used already.  How can I straighten it out?
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>      joining column's datatypes do not match

Noel Faux
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University
Clayton 3168

Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

Tom Lane
<> writes:
> The insert statement that is producing this error does not
> include a value for the pkey field in question (this field is of type
> SERIAL).  I imagine that somehow the counter associated with this
> field got messed up, so that it is mistakenly generating a value that
> has been used already.  How can I straighten it out?

You need to do something like

    select setval('seq-name', (select max(col) + 1 from table));

            regards, tom lane

Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

>> The insert statement that is producing this error does not
>> include a value for the pkey field in question (this field is of type
>> SERIAL).  I imagine that somehow the counter associated with this
>> field got messed up, so that it is mistakenly generating a value that
>> has been used already.  How can I straighten it out?

TL> You need to do something like

TL>         select setval('seq-name', (select max(col) + 1 from table));

TL>                         regards, tom lane

The setval function updates the last_value field of the sequence table. You don't need the "+ 1".

select setval('seq-name', (select max(col) from table));


Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index


   Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 08:01:04 +0100
   From: daq <>

   The setval function updates the last_value field of the sequence table. You don't need the "+ 1".

   select setval('seq-name', (select max(col) from table));

Thank you all for the help.  I'm almost there.

How can I list all the sequences in the database, with their
attributes (such as last_value)?  (I'm having a hard time guessing
'seq-name'; the 'A_id_seq' formula did not work.)

For that matter (going beyond my original question) does PostgreSQL
have anything like a comprehensive "catalog" function that will list
all the tables, their fields, etc. defined in the database?



Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

kpc> Thank you all for the help.  I'm almost there.

kpc> How can I list all the sequences in the database, with their
kpc> attributes (such as last_value)?  (I'm having a hard time guessing
kpc> 'seq-name'; the 'A_id_seq' formula did not work.)

kpc> For that matter (going beyond my original question) does PostgreSQL
kpc> have anything like a comprehensive "catalog" function that will list
kpc> all the tables, their fields, etc. defined in the database?

You can list all the sequences:

select relname from pg_class where relkind='S';

and list all their atributes:

select * from sequence_name;

See "System Catalogs" in the documentation!


Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

Terry Lee Tucker
It's amazing how much good information comes accross this list. Thanks for the

On Thursday 19 February 2004 09:12 am, daq saith:
> You can list all the sequences:
> select relname from pg_class where relkind='S';
> and list all their atributes:
> select * from sequence_name;
> See "System Catalogs" in the documentation!
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Quote: 3
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 desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to
 secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity,
 it must be known that we are at all times ready for war."

 --George Washington

 Work: 1-336-372-6812
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Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

   Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 15:12:09 +0100
   From: daq <>

   kpc> Thank you all for the help.  I'm almost there.

   kpc> How can I list all the sequences in the database, with their
   kpc> attributes (such as last_value)?  (I'm having a hard time guessing
   kpc> 'seq-name'; the 'A_id_seq' formula did not work.)

   kpc> For that matter (going beyond my original question) does PostgreSQL
   kpc> have anything like a comprehensive "catalog" function that will list
   kpc> all the tables, their fields, etc. defined in the database?

   You can list all the sequences:

   select relname from pg_class where relkind='S';

   and list all their atributes:

   select * from sequence_name;

   See "System Catalogs" in the documentation!

Way cool.  Thanks.

BTW, I was wrong when I said that the 'A_id_seq' formula did not work
(it turns out that it failed due to a typo of mine).


Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

joseph speigle
> kpc> How can I list all the sequences in the database, with their
> kpc> attributes (such as last_value)?  (I'm having a hard time guessing
> kpc> 'seq-name'; the 'A_id_seq' formula did not work.)
> You can list all the sequences:
> select relname from pg_class where relkind='S';
> and list all their atributes:
> select * from sequence_name;

select last_value from something_seq

And I got the sequence name from \ds at the psql prompt! but that's only for the current database.


Re: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index

joseph speigle
hi kj,

select nextval('shipments_ship_id_seq');
then add one to that, say it's now equal 1010 ...
SELECT setval('shipments_ship_id_seq', 1010);

source =

but, sometimes there are deeper problems, as you alluded to.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 03:18:45PM +1100, Noel wrote:
> Hi KJ,
> For each SERIAL primary key, there is a sequence table for that table,
> which is where the primary key is generated. You need to check to see
> that the current counter in the sequence table is passed the MAX primary
> key in your table.
> eg:
> id (pkey)
> Will have a sequence table
> A_id_seq
> Hope that helps
> Cheers
> Noel
> wrote:
> >I'm trying to debug some problem in my database that is resulting in
> >an error of the form "Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique
> >index".  The insert statement that is producing this error does not
> >include a value for the pkey field in question (this field is of type
> >SERIAL).  I imagine that somehow the counter associated with this
> >field got messed up, so that it is mistakenly generating a value that
> >has been used already.  How can I straighten it out?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >kj
joe speigle