Thread: simple one

simple one

Iandé Coutinho
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 8:47 AM
Subject: simple one

Hi guys, sorry to bother you guys once again, but this is a simple one, i couln´t find any topic on  the docs i´ve downloaded. Not too sure, but is it possible to deactivate postgres case-sensivity? i´m having problems using jdbc hibernate mapping with the lasted jdbc driver, the driver only sends lower case sql commands to the server. I´m using pg7.4, and cygwin on winXp.
thanks for the replies

Re: simple one

Michael Glaesemann

On Feb 9, 2003, at 9:03 PM, Iandé Coutinho wrote:
> Hi guys, sorry to bother you guys once again, but this is a simple
> one, i couln´t find any topic on  the docs i´ve downloaded. Not too
> sure, but is it possible to deactivate postgres case-sensivity? i´m
> having problems using jdbc hibernate mapping with the lasted jdbc
> driver, the driver only sends lower case sql commands to the server.
> I´m using pg7.4, and cygwin on winXp.

Maybe someone else knows more about this, but PostgreSQL is
(notoriously) case-insensitive unless the string is quoted. Everything
is otherwise lowered. Might it be something else?

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com