Thread: Have you received this? Fwd: Lots of nan's

Have you received this? Fwd: Lots of nan's

I sent this one a little over a week ago, hadn't seen it posted
yet, and was just wondering if it got lost in the fray...?

Thanks for your help!


----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:56:57 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Lots of nan's

I am getting nan's all over the place...

I am running RH9 with the 2.4.20-27.9 #1 kernel, and Postgres 7.3

I have a debug macro as follows:

#define DBG_SQL(strng) if(DEBUG > 0) \
{ \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"\n******DBG_SQL: %s\n",strng); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlcaid                = %s\n", sqlca.sqlcaid); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlabc                 = %f\n", sqlca.sqlabc); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlcode                = %f\n", sqlca.sqlcode); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = %d\n", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc = %s\n", sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlerrp                = %s\n", sqlca.sqlerrp); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlerrd                = %f\n", sqlca.sqlerrd); \
  fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlext                 = %s\n", sqlca.sqlext); \
} \

I get the following output when turning on debugging, not all of the time, but
only occasionally:

******DBG_SQL: after CONNECT TO pma
sqlcaid                = SQLCA
sqlabc                 = nan
sqlcode                = nan
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = 0
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc =
sqlerrp                = NOT SET
sqlerrd                = nan
sqlext                 =

******DBG_SQL: after WHENEVER sqlerror sqlprint
sqlcaid                = SQLCA
sqlabc                 = nan
sqlcode                = nan
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = 0
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc =
sqlerrp                = NOT SET
sqlerrd                = nan
sqlext                 =

******DBG_SQL: after CREATE TABLE stck_rnkg_tmp
sqlcaid                = SQLCA
sqlabc                 = nan
sqlcode                = nan
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = 0
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc =
sqlerrp                = NOT SET
sqlerrd                = nan
sqlext                 =

PLEASE NOTE! I have searched for the string 'nan' in all tables, data and code
and have not been able to find it.  I have also searched the .c output
from ecpg and not found anything.  Nan stands for not a number.

Further down in the code I get the following error:

sql error 'ERROR:  Attribute "nan" not found' in line 1235.

Line 1235 in the code is simply C code not SQL, and is C code for 20+ lines
both above and below line 1235.  I have also looked at the .c output from
ecpg but have not found anything remotely connected.

Further down in the code when printing out further debugging info I get this:

tot_sl_prce = nan
t_expr_c_date_num = 20031017
t_by_date_num = 731490
tc_exp_date_num = 20031017
tc_exp_date_dys = 731506
t_sl_comm = 0.000000
tot_crnt_prce = 0.000000
tot_sl_prce = nan
tot_by_prce = nan
t_prft_los = nan
t_pct_prft_los = nan

Still more variables take on the value of nan.  Then a little further I get

sqlcaid                = SQLCA
sqlabc                 = 0.000000
sqlcode                = 0.000000
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrml = 49
sqlca.sqlerrm.sqlerrmc = 'ERROR:  Attribute "nan" not found' in line 1235.
sqlerrp                = NOT SET
sqlerrd                = 0.000000
sqlext                 =

In doing searches on the Pgsql site I found that 'attribute' is a historical
term for column heading; but since I don't have any columns of the name nan
I can't see where 'nan' cannot be found.  I found nothing on the pgsql site
for nan, but, In searching google for nan+postgres I got about 1180 hits; but,
none of the ones I looked at were current so I don't know if this problem has
been fixed yet.

The really interesting thing is when I let this prog run it consistently
crashes RedHat and I have to do a hardware reset to reboot.

How do I solve this problem?

Thanks for your help!!!!

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Re: Have you received this? Fwd: Lots of nan's

Tom Lane
Date: writes:
>   fprintf(DBG_OUT,"sqlcode                = %f\n", sqlca.sqlcode); \

%f would be appropriate for printing a float or double value.  But
sqlcode is integral (long to be specific).  You probably want %ld here.
The other uses of %f are wrong too.

            regards, tom lane