Thread: using external .sql files from shell script ?

using external .sql files from shell script ?

"Francois PUSSAULT"

Hello all

#> I hope you can help me. I am a novice to postgreSQL.

#> I'm tying to write a little shellscript/SQL application on unix system.

#> I use a simple shell script that calls some external SQL insructions file.

#> so I have 2 questions about it

1) Is there any oracle-SPOOL similar command under psql ?

#> actually I use psql -f foobar.sql


2) How to use shell scripts variables as parameter to the external .sql file ?

#> for example currently I must do :




read toto


psql -f $commande.sql $basename -o $commande.log



#> all my .sql files look like :


\set foo '\''`echo $toto`'\''

\set tabl '\''`echo $table`'\''




insert into :tabl values(....,....,....,:foo,....);



#> So is this possible to use toto named variable from shell script without creating foo named variable in .sql script ?

#> Is there a better method to do so ?

