Thread: How can I select a comment on a column in a query?

How can I select a comment on a column in a query?

A u r k a

I have been going through the manuals for couple of hours looking for a
way to select a comment on a column in a query. Can it be done (and used
with php)?

Thanks for any advice

Roman Dergam

Re: How can I select a comment on a column in a query?

George Weaver
Hi Roman,

Comments are stored in the system catalog table pg_description.  To select a
column comment ("description" in pg_description) you need the specify the
objoid for the table ("relfilenode" from pg_class for the table in question)
and the column number ("objsubid").

test=# select description from pg_description where objoid = 306461 and
objsubid = 0;

 Weight Units~Unit~unitdescription
(1 row)


----- Original Message -----
From: "A u r k a" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: [NOVICE] How can I select a comment on a column in a query?

> Hello,
> I have been going through the manuals for couple of hours looking for a
> way to select a comment on a column in a query. Can it be done (and used
> with php)?
> Thanks for any advice
> Roman Dergam
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Re: How can I select a comment on a column in a query?

Tom Lane
George Weaver <> writes:
> test=# select description from pg_description where objoid = 306461 and
> objsubid = 0;

Also, there is a col_description() function that encapsulates this
query.  I'd recommend col_description() and its sibling obj_description()
in preference to examining the pg_description catalog directly.  See
"Comment Information Functions" in

Here's a simple example:

regression=# create table mytab (mycol int);
regression=# comment on column mytab.mycol is 'my comment';
regression=# select col_description('mytab'::regclass, 1);
 my comment
(1 row)

(I'm using the regclass datatype as a substitute for an explicit
lookup in pg_class to get the OID of the table.  This feature is
new since 7.3 or thereabouts.)

            regards, tom lane