Thread: Integrity problem on 7.3.4

Integrity problem on 7.3.4

Rory Campbell-Lange
I have a table 'pages' with a foreign key constraint on another table,
'photo'. The idea is that one should not be able to insert a
non-existant photo into a page. If I try to do this from the pgsql
prompt the insert fails as it should. However if I run a function, one
is able to add a row with an arbitrary n_photo_id (I discovered this
after I added this test arbitrarily to my unit test regime). The
relevant snippet of the function is below, together with the table

Thanks for any help,


        fn_p2_edit_page (integer, integer, integer, integer, integer,
                         integer, varchar, varchar, integer) RETURNS INTEGER
    AS '
        userid        ALIAS for $1;
        pageid        ALIAS for $2;
        styleid       ALIAS for $3;
        photoid       ALIAS for $4;
        soundid       ALIAS for $5;
        pageno        ALIAS for $6;
        titletext     ALIAS for $7;
        storytext     ALIAS for $8;
        pagelength    ALIAS for $9;
        recone        RECORD;
        newpageival   INTERVAL;
        newpagetime   TIME    := ''00:00:00'';
        newphotoval   INTEGER := NULL;
        newsoundval   INTEGER := NULL;
        newpageno     INTEGER := 0;

            IF photoid = -1 THEN
                newphotoval := NULL;
                newphotoval := photoid;
            END IF;

                n_id_photo = newphotoval
                n_id = pageid;

            IF NOT FOUND THEN
                RAISE EXCEPTION ''Could not update photo : ref p2'';
                RETURN 0;
            END IF;

        RETURN 1;

        LANGUAGE plpgsql;


                                         Table "public.pages"
    Column     |            Type             |                        Modifiers
 n_id          | integer                     | not null default nextval('public.pages_n_id_seq'::text)
 dt_created    | timestamp without time zone | default ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone
 dt_modified   | timestamp without time zone | default ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone
 t_title       | character varying(100)      |
 t_text        | text                        |
 n_story       | integer                     | not null
 n_style       | smallint                    | default 1
 n_id_photo    | integer                     |
 n_id_sound    | integer                     |
 ti_length     | time without time zone      | default '00:00:06'
 n_page_number | smallint                    | default 1
 b_prototype   | boolean                     | default false
Indexes: pages_pkey primary key btree (n_id)
Foreign Key constraints: $1 FOREIGN KEY (n_story) REFERENCES stories(n_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,
                         $2 FOREIGN KEY (n_id_photo) REFERENCES photo(n_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL,
                         $3 FOREIGN KEY (n_id_sound) REFERENCES sound(n_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL
Triggers: tr_update_modified_time,

                                  Table ""
    Column     |     Type     |                        Modifiers
 n_id          | integer      | not null default nextval('public.photo_n_id_seq'::text)
 n_width       | smallint     |
 n_height      | smallint     |
 c_orientation | character(1) |
 data          | bytea        |
 label         | character(2) |
Indexes: photo_pkey primary key btree (n_id)

Here is a row from pages with an invalide n_id_sound:

 n_id |         dt_created         |        dt_modified         | t_title | t_text  | n_story | n_style | n_id_photo |
n_id_sound| ti_length | n_page_number | b_prototype  

    6 | 2004-01-06 17:35:07.662787 | 2004-01-06 17:35:07.751908 | Rubbish | Rubbish |       3 |       1 |          1 |
   99999 | 00:00:06  |             1 | f 
(1 row)

Rory Campbell-Lange

Re: Integrity problem on 7.3.4

Tom Lane
Rory Campbell-Lange <> writes:
> I have a table 'pages' with a foreign key constraint on another table,
> 'photo'. The idea is that one should not be able to insert a
> non-existant photo into a page. If I try to do this from the pgsql
> prompt the insert fails as it should. However if I run a function, one
> is able to add a row with an arbitrary n_photo_id (I discovered this
> after I added this test arbitrarily to my unit test regime).

Since the function contains an UPDATE, I suspect this may be the same
problem fixed here:

2003-10-30 22:57  wieck

    * src/: backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c,
    test/regress/sql/foreign_key.sql (REL7_3_STABLE): Fix for possible
    referential integrity violation when a qualified ON INSERT rule
    split the query into one INSERT and one UPDATE where the UPDATE
    then hit's the just created row without modifying the key fields
    again.    In this special case, the new key slipped in totally


Please update to 7.3.5 and let us know if you still see the problem.

            regards, tom lane