If you cannot see a postmaster running in a ps -ax list, you need :
1 - find where your data (files of the database are)
2 - Have you done an initdb ?
3 - postmaster -i -D DirectoryOfYourData -S
You must run postmaster with the owner of your data directory (postgres ?).
Depends of what kind of installation you done.
If you have used createuser you can connect with : psql -U UserCreated, in
other case try postgres like user.
gavaneh wrote:
>I am a novice in using postgresql and I've faced to a
>problem at the beginning of my work....
>I have Linux OS on my computer and it has postgresql
>server but I cant use it...whenever I want to make a
>it says that "it can not connect to the server" and it
>seems it's because no user has an ID on this server...
>how can I make my server work?
>thnx in advance
> Novice....
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>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org
System Engineer