Thread: How to run 2+ versions of PostgreSQL concurrently

How to run 2+ versions of PostgreSQL concurrently

Michael Glaesemann
I'm looking forward to installing 7.4 on my computer, and I'd like to
do so without displacing my current 7.3.2 installation. I've been
looking through the documention as to how to do this, and would like to
hear some feedback on my plan before I implement it.

I'm sure others already do something like this, and that there's
probably information about how to do this out there. If you'd point me
in the right direction, I'll gladly follow the link.

7.3.2 is currently installed in /usr/local/pgsql (the default
location). I'd like to install 7.4 in a directory on a different volume
that I've made a symlink to, accessible from /usr/local/pgsql2.

During configuration, I need to set the directory and port (besides
other, unrelated flags), using
--prefix=/usr/local/pgsql2 --with-pgport=5433

When initializing the database cluster, I need to create an
environmental variable (such as PGDATA2) set to the directory where the
data will be stored.

One thing I'm concerned about is psql and other shell commands. I'm
assuming things have (or could possibly have) changed between 7.3.2 and
7.4 and I need to make sure the each psql works with its corresponding
database cluster. I'm also wondering how I differentiate between the
two postmasters.

Thanks in advance for any advice or pointers!


Re: How to run 2+ versions of PostgreSQL concurrently

Tom Lane
Michael Glaesemann <> writes:
> [about a second installation on an existing machine]
> When initializing the database cluster, I need to create an
> environmental variable (such as PGDATA2) set to the directory where the
> data will be stored.

No, you'd just set PGDATA.

Joe Conway just posted some cleaned-up scripts for working with multiple
installations on-the-fly:
This might be overkill for your needs, but I can attest that it covers
all the essential bases.

            regards, tom lane