Thread: Change contraint in a table description

Change contraint in a table description

"Williams, Quinton L"


When doing a description of a table I get the following line:


Check constraints: "check_auth_method" (((((method = 'NONE'::character varying) OR (method = 'IMAP'::character varying)) OR (method = 'POP'::character varying)) OR (method = 'FTP'::character varying)) OR (method = 'LDAP'::character varying))


I need to modify this line to add RADIUS as a constraint.  How do I get to where I can modify this line?  Is it a simple “SET CONTRAINT” SQL command or do I have to go to this “check_auth_method” (where ever that is)?


Quinton Williams
Telecommunications Analyst
University of Houston
(832) 842-4680