Thread: Custom function problems

Custom function problems

Michael Glaesmann
I've been working on increasing the performance of a large query by
writing a function that returns a table summary. The original table is

orders (product_code TEXT FK products(id), date DATE, branch_id INTEGER
FK branches(id), qty INTEGER)

I'd like to get a summary of total qty sold for each item during a
given period, such as

select product_code, qty from orders
where date between '2003-07-01' and '2003-07-31'
group by product_code

So I made this function:

create function orders_monthly(date) returns orders_sum_qty as '
    select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders
    where date between $1 and ($1::date _ ''1 month'' - ''1day''::interval)
    group by product_code
' language sql;

with corresponding type

create type orders_sum_qty as (product_code text, qty integer);

I'm able to create the function, but it doesn't seem to work. Trying

select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders
    where date between '2003-07-01' and ('2003-07-01':: date + ''1 month''
- ''1day''::interval)
    group by product_code;

works just fine, and pretty quickly too. But trying

select * from orders_monthly('2003-07-01');

grinds away for a minute and then just gives me the first item and
quantity, not the whole table.

I thought what I was doing is pretty straightforward, and am at a loss
as to what's wrong. Any ideas or suggestions of where to look for
solutions would be most welcome.



Re: Custom function problems

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Michael Glaesmann wrote:

> I've been working on increasing the performance of a large query by
> writing a function that returns a table summary. The original table is
> orders (product_code TEXT FK products(id), date DATE, branch_id INTEGER
> FK branches(id), qty INTEGER)
> I'd like to get a summary of total qty sold for each item during a
> given period, such as
> select product_code, qty from orders
> where date between '2003-07-01' and '2003-07-31'
> group by product_code
> So I made this function:
> create function orders_monthly(date) returns orders_sum_qty as '
>     select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders
>     where date between $1 and ($1::date _ ''1 month'' - ''1day''::interval)
>     group by product_code
> ' language sql;

I think you want setof orders_sum_qty for the return type (otherwise
you're only returning one row as below).  I'd also wonder if this ends up
using a sequence scan rather than an index scan because it doesn't know
which will be better for an arbitrary $1 which might explain a difference
in performance.

How does the following run in comparison?

create or replace function orders_monthly(date) returns setof
orders_sum_qty as '
 r record;
  ''select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders where
  date between '''''' || $1 || '''''' and ('''''' || $1 || ''''''::date +
  ''''1 month''''::interval - ''''1 day''''::interval) group by product_code''
END;' language 'plpgsql';

Re: Custom function problems

Tom Lane
Michael Glaesmann <> writes:
> create function orders_monthly(date) returns orders_sum_qty as '
>     select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders
>     where date between $1 and ($1::date _ ''1 month'' - ''1day''::interval)
>     group by product_code
> ' language sql;

> I'm able to create the function, but it doesn't seem to work. Trying

> select product_code, sum(qty)::integer as qty from orders
>     where date between '2003-07-01' and ('2003-07-01':: date + ''1 month''
> - ''1day''::interval)
>     group by product_code;

> works just fine, and pretty quickly too. But trying

> select * from orders_monthly('2003-07-01');

> grinds away for a minute and then just gives me the first item and
> quantity, not the whole table.

The reason you get only one output is you declared the function to
return orders_sum_qty, rather than setof orders_sum_qty.

The reason it's slow is probably that you've been sloppy about
datatypes, preventing the planner from optimizing the query into an
indexscan.  Adding an interval to a date produces a timestamp not a
date.  You need to compare the date column to date constants.  Try
coercing the result of the date/interval expression back to date.

            regards, tom lane