Thread: Revoke access on pg_user

Revoke access on pg_user

Oliver Fromme

By default, all users can find out what other users exist,
by looking at pg_user (which is a view on pg_shadow).  For
privacy reasons I would like to disable that.

So I tried this:  REVOKE ALL ON pg_user FROM PUBLIC;
which was acknowledged by the word "REVOKE", and there was
no error message.  But it doesn't have any effect.  All
users can still perform SELECT on pg_user and see everyone.

What am I doing wrong?


PS:  I'm using 7.3.4 on FreeBSD 4.8, if that matters.

PPS:  I apologize if this post appears twice (I first
mailed it with the wrong subscription address.)

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
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Re: Revoke access on pg_user

Tom Lane
Oliver Fromme <> writes:
> So I tried this:  REVOKE ALL ON pg_user FROM PUBLIC;
> which was acknowledged by the word "REVOKE", and there was
> no error message.  But it doesn't have any effect.  All
> users can still perform SELECT on pg_user and see everyone.

... it works for me ...

regression=# REVOKE ALL ON pg_user FROM PUBLIC;
regression=# create user joe;
regression=# \c - joe
You are now connected as new user joe.
regression=> select * from pg_user;
ERROR:  pg_user: permission denied

Keep in mind though that you'll need to do this in each database.
(If you do it in template1, databases subsequently cloned from
template1 will have the desired pg_user permissions already.)  Also,
I doubt that pg_dump will create any record of your change to pg_user.

            regards, tom lane