Thread: Using COPY

Using COPY

Juan Francisco Diaz
Hi, im trying to use the copy command to load some data in my tables but i
get the following message:

000081": can't parse "pg_atoi: error in "0

When i execute the following command:

copy carconffuente from

The file structure is like this:

000081    16    53    60    0.84999999999999998    70    0    0    0
000081    17    29    60    0.80000000000000004    70    0    0    0
000081    18    37    60    0.94999999999999996    70    0    0    0

And the first column's type is CHAR(6).

The file was exported from mssqlserver2000 with ANSI coding, <cr> as row
separator, no quotes for the texts, and TAB as the column separator.

Thanks a lor in advance


Re: Using COPY

Nabil Sayegh
Am Di, 2003-09-02 um 17.22 schrieb Juan Francisco Diaz:
> Hi, im trying to use the copy command to load some data in my tables but i
> get the following message:
> 000081": can't parse "pg_atoi: error in "0
> When i execute the following command:
> copy carconffuente from
> '/users/juanf/documents/scriptspostgresql/tablacarconffuente'
> The file structure is like this:
> 000081    16    53    60    0.84999999999999998    70    0    0    0
> 000081    17    29    60    0.80000000000000004    70    0    0    0
> 000081    18    37    60    0.94999999999999996    70    0    0    0
> And the first column's type is CHAR(6).

Are you sure that the table has _exactly_ these columns ?

Try specifying the columnnames explicitly:

COPY table (colname1, colname2, ...) FROM ...

 e-Trolley Sayegh & John, Nabil Sayegh
 Tel.: 0700 etrolley /// 0700 38765539
 Fax.: +49 69 8299381-8
 PGP :

Re: Using COPY

Tom Lane
Juan Francisco Diaz <> writes:
> The file was exported from mssqlserver2000 with ANSI coding, <cr> as row
> separator, no quotes for the texts, and TAB as the column separator.

Wrong thing :-(.  COPY will *only* accept <lf> as row separators.

This is relaxed for 7.4, but you're evidently not on 7.4 yet ...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Using COPY

Tomka Gergely
2003-09-02 ragyogó napján Tom Lane ezt üzente:

> Juan Francisco Diaz <> writes:
> > The file was exported from mssqlserver2000 with ANSI coding, <cr> as row
> > separator, no quotes for the texts, and TAB as the column separator.
> Wrong thing :-(.  COPY will *only* accept <lf> as row separators.
> This is relaxed for 7.4, but you're evidently not on 7.4 yet ...

tr '\r' '\n' < badfile > goodfile

Tomka Gergely
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