Thread: How to send an email when data is inserted into a table

How to send an email when data is inserted into a table

Nicholas Allen

I have a table which stores bugs which can be submitted by users of our client
program. I would like a way that when a new bug is inserted an email is sent
to the developers informing them of this.

I tried using a python trigger function to execute sendmail and pipe SMTP
headers to it but the problem seems to be that the python functions are
interpretted in a restrictive environment and don't allow access to local
resources (files /processes etc). When I execute the python function outside
of postgres it works fine but not when used as a trigger functions.

I know I can do it by writing a C function but I would rather not use C if
possible in the case. Python would be easier to maintain.

Any ideas? Do I have to use C or is there a way to do this from pyhton?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Nicholas Allen.