Thread: Advisable to move SQL from PHP to functions?

Advisable to move SQL from PHP to functions?

Rory Campbell-Lange
I'm about to embark on a new project using a fairly extensive set of sql
queries, many of them using SQL/Postgres features like unions, left
outer joins etc. I'd like to know if it is advisable to write many of
the queries as views or functions in plpgsql rather than having a 1000
line file to parse in php.

I haven't been using functions and triggers much (in fact the only
function/trigger pair I use updates a timestamp when tables are
updated). Is it possible to make a function to receive values and then
make records in several tables with these values? Can an insert return
the oid or serial number resulting from the insert? Can a "select" cause
values to be updated on the selected rows (eg a "seen" field).

If it is advisable to work in postgres I'd be grateful to know if there
is a sensible system for editing triggers and functions on a live
database. At present I can see my triggers in pg_trigger but can't edit
them; \df doesn't seem to list my functions at all. I'm looking for a
technique compatible with my technique of using readline (in vi mode) on
the psql prompt; \e takes me to vim.

Rory Campbell-Lange

Re: Advisable to move SQL from PHP to functions?

Josh Berkus

> I'm about to embark on a new project using a fairly extensive set of sql
> queries, many of them using SQL/Postgres features like unions, left
> outer joins etc. I'd like to know if it is advisable to write many of
> the queries as views or functions in plpgsql rather than having a 1000
> line file to parse in php.

I think you already know the answer to this, or you wouldn't be asking.

> I haven't been using functions and triggers much (in fact the only
> function/trigger pair I use updates a timestamp when tables are
> updated). Is it possible to make a function to receive values and then
> make records in several tables with these values? Can an insert return
> the oid or serial number resulting from the insert? Can a "select" cause
> values to be updated on the selected rows (eg a "seen" field).

Yes to all but the last.  For the last, you would have to replace the "select"
call with a call to a function, which could then do anything you wanted.
From your questions, you probably want to use a "data-push function" approach
rather than a trigger/rule based approach.   The former means that instead of
doing INSERT ..., UPDATE, or SELECT ... from the PHP client, you instead do
calls to functions.

> If it is advisable to work in postgres I'd be grateful to know if there
> is a sensible system for editing triggers and functions on a live
> database. At present I can see my triggers in pg_trigger but can't edit
> them; \df doesn't seem to list my functions at all. I'm looking for a
> technique compatible with my technique of using readline (in vi mode) on
> the psql prompt; \e takes me to vim.

A couple of options:
1) I keep copies of the source for all of my functions, triggers, views, etc.
in text files on CVS on my local server, and whenever I modify them I do it
from PSQL, loading from the file.

2) Use a GUI that includes function/trigger/view editing:

-Josh Berkus

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
                                        Josh Berkus
   Complete information technology
    and data management solutions     (415) 565-7293
   for law firms, small businesses      fax 621-2533
    and non-profit organizations.     San Francisco

Re: Advisable to move SQL from PHP to functions?

Rory Campbell-Lange
Thanks very much for your email, Josh.

On 13/05/03, Josh Berkus ( wrote:

> > ...I'd like to know if it is advisable to write many of the queries
> > as views or functions in plpgsql rather than having a 1000 line file
> > to parse in php.

> I think you already know the answer to this, or you wouldn't be asking.

I'll take that to mean "yes, do it in functions and views"! I'm cautious
about doing a month's work and then having to move that work back into
php -- hence the question. I'm hoping that the function/view approach
will provide faster database access too.

> > I haven't been using functions and triggers much ...

> probably want to use a "data-push function" approach rather
> than a trigger/rule based approach.   The former means that instead of
> doing INSERT ..., UPDATE, or SELECT ... from the PHP client, you
> instead do calls to functions.

OK, this makes sense. I'm not sure how to return multiple tuples though;
I'm hoping the ability to do this isn't limited on Postgresql 7.2.x;
most of the servers I have access have this version. I believe that the
ability to manage "Set Returning Functions" has been much improved in

> > [there] a sensible system for editing triggers and functions
> > on a live database...

> A couple of options:
> 1) I keep copies of the source for all of my functions, triggers, views, etc.
> in text files on CVS on my local server, and whenever I modify them I do it
> from PSQL, loading from the file.

That makes sense. I use \i quite a bit too. Presumably you drop the
triggers/functions/views you are about to work on before you update
them? It seems a little frustrating that one can't get at the contents
of a trigger, view or function more easily though.

> 2) Use a GUI that includes function/trigger/view editing:

Thanks for the url. I tried pgaccess a while ago but didn't like all the
tables it made for itself in my databases!

Thanks again,

Rory Campbell-Lange

Re: Advisable to move SQL from PHP to functions?

Josh Berkus

> I'll take that to mean "yes, do it in functions and views"! I'm cautious
> about doing a month's work and then having to move that work back into
> php -- hence the question. I'm hoping that the function/view approach
> will provide faster database access too.

Well, let's put it this way:  I've supported a thriving small business, for
the past two years building applications *only* that way.

> OK, this makes sense. I'm not sure how to return multiple tuples though;
> I'm hoping the ability to do this isn't limited on Postgresql 7.2.x;
> most of the servers I have access have this version. I believe that the
> ability to manage "Set Returning Functions" has been much improved in
> 7.3.

Actually, it is significantly impaired in 7.2.x.    You should force an
upgrade; 7.3.x has been out for 6+ months and 7.4 is due out soon.  Also 7.3
has better performance and debugging tools than 7.2.

If you're upagainst a wall, you can do what I did for my 7.2 apps:  write
functions returning TEXT and have them return a query to the PHP, which it
then executes.

-Josh Berkus
 Aglio Database Solutions
 San Francisco

+ operator with a possible NULL operand

Michael Glaesemann
I'm getting my feet wet using PostgreSQL and have run in to a bit of a
snag with using the + operator.

I want to create a table that has a third column that is the sum of the
values of two other columns. In essence:

SELECT    a.qty AS aa,
        b.qty AS bb,
        a.qty + b.qty AS cc
    FROM ...

The FROM is a subquery that includes a number of full joins, so there
are occasions when a.qty or b.qty are NULL.

The select statement seems to work just fine, except that where a.qty
or b.qty are NULL, cc is also NULL. (I can see how this might not work,
PostgreSQL protesting, "Okay, you want me to add this and ... and ...
and what, exactly?" But maybe I've misconceived what the problem is.)

I've googled for "postgresql mathematical operator null argument",
taken a gander at the html help files included with the PostgreSQL
installation and through Practical PostgreSQL in the sections on
mathematical operators, but didn't find anything that mentions this.
I'm probably not looking in the right places.

If someone point me in the direction I should look, I'd really
appreciate it.

Thanks for your time!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

Tom Lane
Michael Glaesemann <> writes:
> SELECT    a.qty AS aa,
>         b.qty AS bb,
>         a.qty + b.qty AS cc
>     FROM ...

> The select statement seems to work just fine, except that where a.qty
> or b.qty are NULL, cc is also NULL.

Yup, that's how it should be according to the SQL spec.  NULL is
effectively "unknown", so the result of adding it to anything else
is also unknown, ie NULL.

If you'd prefer to substitute something else, for either a.qty or b.qty
individually or the complete sum, see the COALESCE function.
"COALESCE(foo, bar)" means "if foo is not null then foo else bar".
(No, it's not a well-chosen function name ... we can blame the SQL
spec for this too ...)

            regards, tom lane

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

"Vincent Hikida"
According to the ANSI SQL-92 specification:

        " 1) If the value of any <numeric primary> simply contained in a
            <numeric value expression> is the null value, then the result of
            the <numeric value expression> is the null value."

Here is a link to the link for the ANSI SQL-92 specification:

My understanding is that any intra-row functions in which one of the
operators is a null will yield a null. Something that is confusing is that
inter-row functions may or may not yield a null.

That is

SELECT SUM(numvar) FROM tablex

Will treat any numvar which are null as if they were a zero. However, the
following will not treat it as zero but non-existent.

SELECT COUNT(numvar) FROM table x

Will pretend that any null numvar is non existent and will not count it.

Nulls are not part of relational theory and as far as I know the rules seem
to be to do whatever seems useful for most users. It should be noted that
Codd did try to fit nulls into relational theory using "three valued logic".
I don't think this was widely excepted.

Vincent Hikida,
Member of Technical Staff - Urbana Software, Inc.
"A Personalized Learning Experience"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Glaesemann" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:58 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] + operator with a possible NULL operand

> I'm getting my feet wet using PostgreSQL and have run in to a bit of a
> snag with using the + operator.
> I want to create a table that has a third column that is the sum of the
> values of two other columns. In essence:
> SELECT a.qty AS aa,
> b.qty AS bb,
> a.qty + b.qty AS cc
> FROM ...
> The FROM is a subquery that includes a number of full joins, so there
> are occasions when a.qty or b.qty are NULL.
> The select statement seems to work just fine, except that where a.qty
> or b.qty are NULL, cc is also NULL. (I can see how this might not work,
> PostgreSQL protesting, "Okay, you want me to add this and ... and ...
> and what, exactly?" But maybe I've misconceived what the problem is.)
> I've googled for "postgresql mathematical operator null argument",
> taken a gander at the html help files included with the PostgreSQL
> installation and through Practical PostgreSQL in the sections on
> mathematical operators, but didn't find anything that mentions this.
> I'm probably not looking in the right places.
> If someone point me in the direction I should look, I'd really
> appreciate it.
> Thanks for your time!
> Michael Glaesemann
> grzm myrealbox com
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

Michael Glaesemann
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 15:38 Asia/Tokyo, Tom Lane wrote:

> Michael Glaesemann <> writes:
>> SELECT    a.qty AS aa,
>>         b.qty AS bb,
>>         a.qty + b.qty AS cc
>>     FROM ...
>> The select statement seems to work just fine, except that where a.qty
>> or b.qty are NULL, cc is also NULL.
> Yup, that's how it should be according to the SQL spec.  NULL is
> effectively "unknown", so the result of adding it to anything else
> is also unknown, ie NULL.

Tom (and Vincent), thanks for the confirmation of what I suspected.
It's definitely good to know. And so fast! I get up to go to lunch,
come back, and there's my answer. Wow. I'm just hoping someday I'll
know enough to be able to contribute a bit back.

> If you'd prefer to substitute something else, for either a.qty or b.qty
> individually or the complete sum, see the COALESCE function.

After a brief tour through the PostgreSQL documention (COALESCE isn't
in the index) and subsequent modifications to my query, everything is
golden! Thanks so much.

I'm suspecting I'm going to use COALESCE (arg, 0) quite a bit. Ripe for
a custom function or operator, I'm thinking. :)

Thanks again!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

Michael Glaesemann
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 15:38 Asia/Tokyo, Tom Lane wrote:

> Michael Glaesemann <> writes:
>> SELECT    a.qty AS aa,
>>         b.qty AS bb,
>>         a.qty + b.qty AS cc
>>     FROM ...
>> The select statement seems to work just fine, except that where a.qty
>> or b.qty are NULL, cc is also NULL.
> Yup, that's how it should be according to the SQL spec.  NULL is
> effectively "unknown", so the result of adding it to anything else
> is also unknown, ie NULL.

Tom (and Vincent), thanks for the confirmation of what I suspected.
It's definitely good to know. And so fast! I get up to go to lunch,
come back, and there's my answer. Wow. I'm just hoping someday I'll
know enough to be able to contribute a bit back.

> If you'd prefer to substitute something else, for either a.qty or b.qty
> individually or the complete sum, see the COALESCE function.

After a brief tour through the PostgreSQL documention (COALESCE isn't
in the index) and subsequent modifications to my query, everything is
golden! Thanks so much.

I'm suspecting I'm going to use COALESCE (arg, 0) quite a bit. Ripe for
a custom function or operator, I'm thinking. :)

Thanks again!

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

Bruno Wolff III
On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 23:43:19 -0700,
  Vincent Hikida <> wrote:
> That is
> SELECT SUM(numvar) FROM tablex
> Will treat any numvar which are null as if they were a zero. However, the
> following will not treat it as zero but non-existent.

Aggragates (except for count(*)) will skip any row for which the expression
is null. For sum() that turns out to be equivalent to treating the number
as zero because of the way math works. But the function isn't actually
treating nulls as zeros.

Re: + operator with a possible NULL operand

"Vincent Hikida"
You're right of course!! Small glitch in my program but I think it's been
debugged now.

Sorry, ... I just got back from seeing the Matrix.

Vincent Hikida,
Member of Technical Staff - Urbana Software, Inc.
"A Personalized Learning Experience"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruno Wolff III" <>
To: "Vincent Hikida" <>
Cc: "Michael Glaesemann" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: [NOVICE] + operator with a possible NULL operand

> On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 23:43:19 -0700,
>   Vincent Hikida <> wrote:
> >
> > That is
> >
> > SELECT SUM(numvar) FROM tablex
> >
> > Will treat any numvar which are null as if they were a zero. However,
> > following will not treat it as zero but non-existent.
> Aggragates (except for count(*)) will skip any row for which the
> is null. For sum() that turns out to be equivalent to treating the number
> as zero because of the way math works. But the function isn't actually
> treating nulls as zeros.