Thread: [SOLVED] 'xactisolevel' not recognized [THANKS!]

[SOLVED] 'xactisolevel' not recognized [THANKS!]

Dave Stewart
I've been meaning to give thanks where it was due. Today I finally got
a chance to do so, but am amazed at how much time has passed already
(shouldn't be a whole week yet!).

To anyone else who encounters this weird problem (dialog message
reading "Option 'xactisolevel' is not recognized" when trying to model
a Postgresql database with EOModeler), the trouble is the JDBC driver
itself. Updating to the newest driver from postgresql fixes the problem
entirely, but nothing else will work. I'm not sure how I got an older
JDBC driver (I was having trouble connecting to the DB, so tried
updating the driver and then got the message so I guess I just grabbed
the wrong one), but that isn't important now anyway. It might be
important to other novices suffering this trouble to note this
non-standard SQL syntax worked with Postgresql up to version 7.2, but
the newest version 7.3 does NOT support it. Older JDBC drivers used
this syntax for some reason or another, but the 7.3 version seems to
use standard SQL syntax instead.

Once I updated the driver, EOModel modeled the DB perfectly without a
hitch! Moral of this story : make absolutely sure you have the right
drivers installed! (DUH! Isn't that lesson taught in "Living with
Computers 101"?)

Thanks go out to Tom Lane, Chuck Hill, Jonathan Rochkind, Tatsuya
Kawano and Johan Henselmans for all the help I received. Chuck and
Tatsuya also recommended installing Kenny Leung's PostgresqlPlugIn as
well, which I did do but didn't fix the JDBC driver itself (no
surprise, now that I know what the trouble was. Hindsight is 20/20
...). Likely I'll appreciate that plugin later as I experiment with
EOModeler and Postgresql, but not realize it.

Johan, I wish I could give some advice for the trouble you're having
creating sql in EOModeler. Unfortunately, the term "novice" fits me
quite well. I would be happy to try things out and give you the results
(a perfect opportunity for me to learn too), if I knew what you were
doing. Background: I installed postgresql a few weeks ago and modeled
it last week, so I have no history there. EOModeler I've dabbled with a
few times to make DB access in WO easier, but I'm no "expert" there
either. Maybe I'm not the right person to converse with, but at least
I'm willing! ;-)

Thanks again! Hopefully the next bonehead won't lose so much hair
dealing with this particular issue.

Dave Stewart
Aqua-flo (Goleta)