Thread: Lost - one sequence

Lost - one sequence

"Brian Johnson"
Somehow one of my tables lost the sequence that was auto-incrementing the job_id

Can someone tell me how to recreate it, relink it (if necessary), and reset it's
number to one more than the highest number in that field?

Re: Lost - one sequence

"Brian Johnson"
This worked:

CREATE SEQUENCE phpgw_ttrack_job__job_id_seq START 245;

ALTER TABLE phpgw_ttrack_jobs
    ALTER job_id SET DEFAULT nextval('phpgw_ttrack_job__job_id_seq');

Brian Johnson ( wrote*:
>Somehow one of my tables lost the sequence that was auto-incrementing the job_id
>Can someone tell me how to recreate it, relink it (if necessary), and reset it's
>number to one more than the highest number in that field?
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