Thread: "order by" days of the week

"order by" days of the week

"D. A."

I am storing a schedule of services in a restaurant database (e.g.
breakfast, lunch...), and want to be able to order the results by the day
of the week. The table is as follows.

                Table "schedule"
   Column    |          Type          | Modifiers
 business_id | integer                | not null
 day         | character varying(20)  |
 start       | time without time zone |
 finish      | time without time zone |
 service     | character varying(30)  |

The day collumn will hold the days of the week "Monday", "Tuesday"... etc.
When I retrieve the data, I want to be able to sort by the days in
cronological order rather than in alphabetic order.

My questions are these:
1) Is it possible to use "order by" in conjunction with a list of strings
to tell it how to order the results?

2)Is there a way to store days of the week that is better than simply
using varchar and performing a check. I read about the time data formats
and they all seem to be more applicable to absolute times rather than
simply a day of the week. I also thought about storing the days as a
number between 1 and 7 then converting for display (1=Monday,
2=Tuesday...), but that didn't feel clean to me.

Any suggestions?


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Re: "order by" days of the week

Oliver Elphick
On Sat, 2002-09-28 at 02:36, D. A. wrote:
> I am storing a schedule of services in a restaurant database (e.g.
> breakfast, lunch...), and want to be able to order the results by the day
> of the week. The table is as follows.
>                 Table "schedule"
>    Column    |          Type          | Modifiers
> -------------+------------------------+-----------
>  business_id | integer                | not null
>  day         | character varying(20)  |
>  start       | time without time zone |
>  finish      | time without time zone |
>  service     | character varying(30)  |
> The day collumn will hold the days of the week "Monday", "Tuesday"... etc.
> When I retrieve the data, I want to be able to sort by the days in
> cronological order rather than in alphabetic order.
> My questions are these:
> 1) Is it possible to use "order by" in conjunction with a list of strings
> to tell it how to order the results?

You could write a function to convert day names into numbers and sort on
the output of that function.

> 2)Is there a way to store days of the week that is better than simply
> using varchar and performing a check. I read about the time data formats
> and they all seem to be more applicable to absolute times rather than
> simply a day of the week. I also thought about storing the days as a
> number between 1 and 7 then converting for display (1=Monday,
> 2=Tuesday...), but that didn't feel clean to me.

It seems cleaner to me.  It would take less storage and be easier to
validate ("CONSTRAINT "valid day" CHECK (day >= 0 AND day < 7)").
Create a view that has an additional dayname column defined as "CASE
WHEN day = 0 THEN "Sunday" WHEN day = 1 THEN "Monday" ... END"  Then you
can sort by day but select dayname.

Oliver Elphick                      
Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
     "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when
      he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which
      the Lord hath promised to them that love him."
                                          James 1:12

Re: "order by" days of the week

Roland Roberts
>>>>> "D" == D A <> writes:

    D> 2)Is there a way to store days of the week that is better than simply
    D> using varchar and performing a check. I read about the time data formats
    D> and they all seem to be more applicable to absolute times rather than
    D> simply a day of the week. I also thought about storing the days as a
    D> number between 1 and 7 then converting for display (1=Monday,
    D> 2=Tuesday...), but that didn't feel clean to me.

The was I've seen this done is to have an extra lookup table where
1=Monday does the translation between the key (the value 1) and the
human-readable version (the value "Monday").  I've not seen it for
this particular case (days of the week), but the idea is quite
general and works fine for this case.

               PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises                     76-15 113th Street, Apt 3B                       Forest Hills, NY 11375